Who or what is stumbling around - page 11

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

... and the fact that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon and often found in nature so it doesn't matter.....
.... what they have on the personal front is personal and generally none of your business, in my opinion....

.... many people look at them as purely intercourse with the same sex, although this is not the case at all....

... they are fed up with stupid idiots who don't give them a pass and invade their privacy with their morals...

- And in nature there are deviations from the norm, various freaks are born... Imagine a situation where a child is born with a congenital physical defect, for instance, blind or with no arm or leg. It would be logical to expect a greater or lesser degree of sympathy for the poor fellow in a normal society. Now imagine how society would react if such a cripple from birth started rallying that he (blind, legless or armless) is not accepted into astronauts. And imagine, how will the society react if a blind man will agitate healthy people around him to forfeit his sight voluntarily? Absurd? And isn't it absurd to indulge a cripple born with a wrong sexual orientation, who provokes people without this congenital disorder to become like him? It is no secret that surveys of homosexuals have shown that the percentage of cases genetically determined is negligible... Fighting drunkenness, drug addiction is right, but opposing the propaganda (and a brazen, assertive one at that) of LGBT, for some strange logic, is wrong...
- "personal front... personal life..." - so they are private as long as they are not made public. Why don't I shout on the streets about, for example, what my wife and I's favourite Kama Sutra trick is, why don't we demonstrate "the warmth and sincerity of our relationship and the depth of our feelings" in crowded public places, eh? Yes, because it is a personal relationship (it's for two people and no one else). And from your words we can assume that "stupid idiots" go door to door and check who, where, with whom and what? Or stop everyone on the street and demand to see a certificate of sexual orientation? No? So how then do they, these "stupid idiots" "invade their privacy with their morals..."? А? It doesn't add up...
- And finally, regarding "...intercourse with the same sex, although it's not like that at all...", there are many different types of relationships, for example between young boys or adult men - friendship, companionship, buddy, business, partnership, relationship, like-mindedness, club and fan communities...... But pardon the piquant clarification, only sexual relations between same-sex partners (as you say, intercourse with the same sex) give rise to calling these boys or men gay, homosexual, p***** ... And there is no correlation with whether they are artists, poets, people of art or science, whether they are crossing the street or feeding stray dogs and kittens....

Fucking hell, here we go))

About your sticks...

I think it's only natural on the road to success...if you make plans, and everything goes well and smoothly along the way, then your goal is probably a false one and you'll end up with a bummer. And if you meet a lot of bad luck, pain, various legal problems and so on, it means that your goal will lead you to success.

In general, the more thorny the path (not only the complexity of the code, but also the environment itself, a particular stage in life), the higher the reward.

So, if you say that you have a lot of problems in life - rejoice, it means that your idea of filters and losing trades is really f*cking great!

But that's esoteric, isn't it? There's a lot of leftism spewed out here in the thread, I'll stress it again. There are troubles that we create ourselves. For instance, I could be in trouble if I meet a wrong woman. But those are all my problems, I am a wreck and I can solve them by controlling my behaviour. The older I get, the better I am with self-control.

And there are phenomena that have nothing to do with me, but nevertheless arise precisely when I'm getting ready to make a breakthrough. I respect Zeland's thoughts on option space, it's very similar to pendulums.

Vladimir Suschenko:
- In nature, too, there are deviations from the norm, and various freaks are born... Imagine a situation where a child is born with a congenital physical defect, for instance, a blind child or a child without arms or legs. It would be logical to expect a greater or lesser degree of sympathy for the poor fellow in a normal society. Now imagine how society would react if such a cripple from birth started rallying that he (blind, legless or armless) is not accepted into astronauts. And imagine, how will the society react if a blind man will agitate healthy people around him to forfeit his sight voluntarily? Absurd? And isn't it absurd to indulge a cripple born with a wrong sexual orientation, who provokes people without this congenital disorder to become like him? It is no secret that surveys of homosexuals have shown that the percentage of cases genetically determined is negligible... Fighting drunkenness, drug addiction is the right thing to do, but opposing the propaganda (and a brazen, assertive one at that) of LGBT, for some strange logic, is wrong...
- "personal front... personal life..." - so they are private as long as they are not made public. Why don't I shout on the streets about, for example, what my wife and I's favourite Kama Sutra trick is, why don't we demonstrate "the warmth and sincerity of our relationship and the depth of our feelings" in crowded public places, eh? Yes, because it is a personal relationship (it's for two people and no one else). And from your words we can assume that "stupid idiots" go door to door and check who, where, with whom and what? Or stop everyone on the street and demand to see a certificate of sexual orientation? No? So how then do they, these "stupid idiots" "invade their privacy with their morals..."? А? It doesn't add up...
- And finally, regarding "...intercourse with the same sex, although it's not like that at all...", there are many different types of relationships, for example between young boys or adult men - friendship, companionship, buddy, business, partnership, relationship, like-mindedness, club and fan communities...... But pardon the piquant clarification, only sexual relations between same-sex partners (as you say, intercourse with the same sex) give rise to calling these boys or men gay, homosexual, p***** ... And there is no correlation with whether they are artists, poets, people of art or science, whether they are crossing the street or feeding stray dogs and kittens....

Not so much about freaks, let's say a girl gets dumped by a guy, injures her and she starts associating only with girls and it's become the norm for her. (And I've heard of people who even went psycho after a breakup, not to mention suicide, affairs of the heart are a very strong factor for many) Maybe she is already a woman and has children already, but she is attracted to same-sex relationships now. And acquaintances and relatives pressure her and stop communicating with her and she cannot overcome herself. Such people unite into groups and try to prove something together, and everyone has his own reasons, because it's easier to be together and they understand each other. And gatherings are a consequence of that. Why is it propaganda right away? A blind man does not motivate others to poke out his eyes and a lame man to cut off his legs :) They want to be accepted and condemned by society. Of course, if there is clear propaganda, they should be stopped, because there is no need. But there are very few people who are both, so they are a minority and will never become a majority.

Vladimir Suschenko:
- And in nature there are deviations from the norm, various freaks are born... Imagine a situation where a child is born with a congenital physical defect, for instance blind or with no arm or leg. It would be logical to expect a greater or lesser degree of sympathy from the surrounding society for such a poor soul. Now imagine how society would react if such a cripple from birth started rallying that he (blind, legless or armless) is not accepted into astronauts. And imagine, how will the society react if a blind man will agitate healthy people around him to forfeit his sight voluntarily? Absurd? And isn't it absurd to indulge a cripple born with a wrong sexual orientation, who provokes people without this congenital disorder to become like him? It is no secret that surveys of homosexuals have shown that the percentage of cases genetically determined is negligible... Fighting drunkenness, drug addiction is right, but opposing the propaganda (and a brazen, assertive one at that) of LGBT, for some strange logic, is wrong...
- "personal front... personal life..." - so they are private as long as they are not made public. Why don't I shout on the streets about, for example, what my wife and I's favourite Kama Sutra trick is, why don't we demonstrate "the warmth and sincerity of our relationship and the depth of our feelings" in crowded public places, eh? Yes, because it is a personal relationship (it's for two people and no one else). And from your words we can assume that "stupid idiots" go door to door and check who, where, with whom and what? Or stop everyone on the street and demand to see a certificate of sexual orientation? No? So how then do they, these "stupid idiots" "invade their privacy with their morals..."? А? It doesn't add up...
- And finally, regarding "...intercourse with the same sex, although it's not like that at all...", there are many different types of relationships, for example between young boys or adult men - friendship, companionship, buddy, business, partnership, relationship, like-mindedness, club and fan communities...... But pardon the piquant clarification, only sexual relations between same-sex partners (as you say, intercourse with the same sex) give rise to calling these boys or men gay, homosexual, p***** ... And there is no correlation with whether they are artists, poets, people of art or science, whether they are crossing the street or feeding stray dogs and kittens....

When we were students, there were a lot of sorority houses we climbed up and down. And once we were drinking in the summer in the centre of St. Petersburg and met a guy who invited us to his place. It was a convenient spot and we started an alcoholic and friendly relationship, but I was wary of the fact that he was adamantly against inviting girls over. We had a bunch of good girls at the time, medics, from the neighbouring Pedagogical Institute, etc.

One day I dropped in on him for a drink, and he told me, so to speak, that he was a pigeon. He told me that he was a pigeon and started to talk to me, describing everything in detail. I felt disgusted, took the vodka from the table and left. My only experience, apart from a feeling of disgust, was nothing left.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

... Let's say a girl gets dumped by a guy, injures her and she starts hanging out with girls only and it becomes the norm for her...

Understanding and justifying are not the same thing. Why this happened (in the example you cited) is clear.

But ... Let's look into the situation. Has the girl been hurt by the guy? Has he hurt her psychologically? Went to a shrink-- atypical, but logical. She went to a get-together with some loser friends to pick on guys and end up with a resolution that "all men are assholes". - and typical and logical. Went to church to find emotional balance after the trauma, went to a psychological training "How to build a harmonious relationship," engaged in introspection in search of answers to the question "why is it so that I did wrong, how to avoid similar errors in the future? - logical, but alas, not typical.
As a result, her choice (exaggerated slightly) - she got psychological trauma (her soul was wounded), and I'll take up lesbian relationships... Can you tell me, what is the connection between psychological trauma and bodily (lesbian in this case) pleasures? Or are we not talking about bodily comfort? Well, then she's not a lesbian... ...and this case would be out of place.
In short, the "abused by a man/became a lesbian" logical chain has a significant flaw. And it's completely abnormal that it can become the norm...

Vladimir Suschenko:

Understanding and justifying are not the same thing. Why this happened (in the example you gave) is clear.

But... Let's get to the bottom of this situation. Has the girl been hurt by the guy? Did he hurt her psychologically? Went to a shrink-- atypical, but logical. She went to a get-together with some loser friends to pick on guys and end up with a resolution that "all men are assholes". - and typical and logical. Went to church to find emotional balance after the trauma, went to a psychological training "How to build a harmonious relationship," engaged in introspection in search of answers to the question "why is it so that I did wrong, how to avoid similar errors in the future? - logical, but alas, not typical.
As a result, her choice (exaggerated slightly) - she got psychological trauma (her soul was wounded), and I'll take up lesbian relationships... Can you tell me, what is the connection between psychological trauma and corporal (lesbian in this case) pleasures? Or are we not talking about bodily comfort? Well, then she's not a lesbian... ...and this case would be out of place.
In short, the logic chain "man offended/became a lesbian" has a significant flaw. And it's completely abnormal that it can become the norm...

They go to shrinks, not many go to church where they usually get even more twisted. Close contact with a friend without a relationship with men, both single, can start to spoil. I know her acquaintance was like that, she became a lesbian, but kept trying to build relationships with men :) in the end she answered that she felt more comfortable with girls, B is shorter. Her inner fears made her feel uncomfortable with M. At the other extreme there is a young, pretty woman of 33 and eight cats at home, who is not lesbian but can't build a relationship with M, she is tormented. The first one at least has fun :) there are variations on this theme - her husband is away on business trips for half a year, she has children... so as not to cheat, she relaxes with women

There are a lot of ugly and undemanding, with masculine figures and testosterone, in the same vein.

Well, one more curiosity - there's a gay club in the city (I don't go to clubs myself, I've been told). The girls and youngsters usually go there because it's a gathering place for normal, non-bully content and rednecks are not allowed in :)
So all your bans... young people are not stupid or sick, some of them just have fun, and there's nothing wrong with it, as described in the media.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

No, I listened to a lecture in a museum and watched war movies.

I don't get it, did you all have a hard childhood? Why are you all so obsessed with the war now? We all played tah-tah in our childhood, watched war movies, played zarnitsa at school, were in a military camp in the 10th grade, and served in the army. Haven't you had enough?

When you remember the war, you appreciate peace better. When you forget about the war, it's bound to come back to haunt you...
Vladimir Suschenko:

When you remember the war, you appreciate peace better. When you forget about the war, it is bound to come back to haunt you...

When you forget about the war, idiots are bound to come along to remind you of it. And a philosophy - in the style of the Soviet Union a la 9th Company by the artist - "war is beautiful".
Alexey Volchanskiy:

But that's esoteric, isn't it?

It's not esoteric... it's just the way life works. If the road to success was easy and quick, everyone would be rich and successful. But since it is difficult and thorny, some people just don't have the strength, some just don't need it, so there are not that many successful people in the world in general.


Another fun story, off topic anyway

My son was about five, he had seen too many Tom and Jerry cartoons and wanted a mouse. We went to the pet store, and the mice and hamsters were so boring, huddled together. But the cheeky little rats just crawl onto the cage, like, take me!

I said, - Dim, let's take two rats, a boy and a girl?

And rats are very social animals. And they clearly defined whether I was going for business or simply going for a walk. If I went for a walk, the concerts began, Dusya would gnaw on the bars of the cage, and Shustrala would just freak out in that cage. I always took them, in winter I put them in sleeves of their jackets, and they sit there, staring at the space ))

Anyway, Dusya got pregnant and gave birth to 19 little rats. Well, they're growing, I went to work then, I didn't pay much attention to them.

My boss calls me, come here, your son's on the phone. My son is crying, he says his grandma said there's nowhere to put the rats and we'll drown them all in the toilet.
I said, 'Call Vanya (his friend) and come to my place of work, and I will meet you at the railway crossing.

Hired chief's secretary, quickly printed out ads. I don't remember exactly what I lied about, but the message was that rats were born, smarter than most of the staff at the Institute, and today was the last day of sales.

Dima and Vanya pasted up everything in the district, Vika donated a glue stick from her heartfelt generosity.


I came home in the evening. Oh, my gosh, the door to the living room is open, a crowd of kids, Dima and Vanya are selling rats like at an auction. And the prices are so decent )). A little girl is sitting on the curb and crying. I ask her what is the matter?

She says, -I don't have enough money, but I want a rat so much. OK, I said, 'Dim, give me the weakest rat, there were different ones in the series. I gave it to the girl for nothing, and I said, 'Take care of it. Then I often met her, all well groomed))


That's my point. There are all kinds of funny elements in sales. That time, I just shat on the staff of the Institute, but the result was over the top.)