Who or what is stumbling around - page 7

One day we will be swallowed up by a black hole).

I really hope so. As Vinny used to say - the end of my misery and disappointment ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I really hope so. As vinnie used to say - the end of my misery and disappointment ))
Don't get your hopes up, it won't happen any time soon. And we will die the old tried and tested way). From old age, illness or an accident.

Well, the fact that the devil loves me and sometimes sticks in the wheels is settled ))

I suggest a new topic in this thread so as not to create more.

I'm listening to KP radio show "Metallurgy in USSR", can be found on this site. The guy talks about how in the first months of the war we moved 2500 enterprises beyond the Urals! I'm just shocked - how could it have been done? No computers, enormous logistical problems, we had to assemble everything properly, pack everything properly, not pile it all up on the spot, but mount and launch it on the fly.... that's a load of crap. In addition, there were a lot of people working at these plants. I can hardly imagine how the management could have organized all this.

Why am I so surprised? I have some experience in logistics, I still remember it as a nightmare. I'll tell you about it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, the fact that the devil loves me and sometimes sticks in the wheels is settled ))

I suggest a new topic in this thread so as not to create more.

I'm listening to KP radio show "Metallurgy in USSR", can be found on this site. The guy talks about how in the first months of the war we moved 2500 enterprises beyond the Urals! I'm just shocked - how could it have been done? No computers, enormous logistical problems, we had to assemble everything properly, pack everything properly, not pile it all up on the spot, but mount and launch it on the fly.... that's a load of crap. Plus there were a lot of people working at these factories. I can hardly imagine, how the managers could arrange all this.

Why am I so surprised? I have some experience in logistics, I still remember it as a nightmare. Let me tell you.

The system worked well, largely due to the fact that laxity and non-compliance were dealt with harshly, up to and including firing squads.

Many people slept a few hours in front of their workplace and came home once a week. Even children sometimes worked at the machines and had to stand on a stand to reach the control knobs.


The system worked well, largely due to the fact that laxity and non-compliance were dealt with severely, up to and including the firing squad.

Many slept just a few hours in front of their workplace and came home once a week. Even children were often kept at the looms and had to stand on their feet to reach the operating handles.

Man, this has nothing to do with the children at the machines. I'm talking about logistics as it's pretty close to programming

------- A story from my student days --------

Somewhere between their 3rd and 4th year, all students had to work during the summer. It was a clear order from the dean's office in Soviet times. I went to Soyuzpechat, which was a newspaper and magazine stall chain. I worked for two or three days, bored to death, with thieves dragging redheads to buy them up, and some workers bringing in stolen ballpoint pens from their factories. The last thing I needed was to go to jail for buying up stolen goods )).

At that time I had girls sitting at home, soldering octane correctors of my design. I often had some convicts drop by, I asked one of them to break the glass in the stall at night for a bubbly. He broke it, gave me the bubble in the morning. I called the cops - here he was, he hadn't touched anything, obvious robbery.

Well, the merry-go-round went on without me, some woman was called in to count the papers... I went to the management, I said, I had some ideas how to optimize your delivery of materials. By the way, the boss understood me at once, he said, -I understand that often there are congestions myself, if you can solve them, I'll thank you to the university and give you a bonus from me ))


I then asked him for an unlimited card for all modes of transport, a list of all locations, phone numbers, if any.
What I could - I called around. There were questions about when deliveries were coming in, when the main flow of customers was, etc.

Then I started driving around, minding my own business, of course )). Back then, the octane correctors for VAZ were flying off. I still do not understand, it seems that the time was when people had money on hand, and the shops were just empty. But all the same there were greedy people who wanted to drive the VAZ with octane corrector for 76 petrol. And it took away the detonation. Well, there is a demand and there is a supply.)

Anyway, I used 20 sheets of Watman paper, drew schemes, had some success and the boss gave me the right to appoint routes for deliveries. It was very interesting and we saved a lot of time on deliveries. They used to be often late for the end of the shift in the factories and they used to get complaints from the workers and a reprimand from the party line. I remember my place in the shop put my girlfriend, she organized the delivery in the first place, she told me - I was workers from the neighboring factory simply zakomplemeniteli, like the first time the store began to work properly ))) And I brought her all sorts of junk to make some dough. If you take the ginger, I'll kill you.

Autumn came, the theme was in full swing, the boss could see clear improvements in logistics. I asked him if I could take it as an additional project for my studies, and I would sign for it, plus a half-time job for my efforts. Later I have read, that I have tried to solve a problem of salesman with one hundred cars )). Still, it was a fat plus, though. That's only because there was a fat minus before that. ))

So I have extreme respect for logistics, it's a serious subject.

Vladimir Suschenko:

I know what and where it is relevant, I remember the phrase 'fools and roads' from my school days. The roads are better now, by the way...
Just in case (in case someone thinks otherwise) I would like to notice that fanaticism and patriotism have nothing in common, except the same ending...
By any chance did you get the idea that quoting old jokes may not always have the purpose of making someone laugh (regardless of national or linguistic differences)?

I was trying to allude to the fact that same-sex marriage is allowed in Europe and not welcomed in Russia.
Vitalii Ananev:

I was trying to make the point that same-sex marriage is allowed in Europe and not welcomed in Russia.

And to slap their political correctness on the back, we can't let the Overton Window move to Russia
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Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, the fact that the devil loves me and sometimes sticks in the wheels is settled ))

I suggest a new topic in this thread so as not to create more.

I'm listening to KP radio show "Metallurgy in USSR", can be found on this site. The guy talks about how in the first months of the war we moved 2500 enterprises beyond the Urals! I'm just shocked - how could it have been done? No computers, enormous logistical problems, we had to assemble everything properly, pack everything properly, not pile it all up on the spot, but mount and launch it on the fly.... that's a load of crap. Plus there were a lot of people working at these factories. I can hardly imagine, how the managers could arrange all this.

Why am I so surprised? I have some experience in logistics, I still remember it as a nightmare. I'll tell you about it.

What kind of logistics? Railway, one branch line. Assembly and packing - unscrew the machine from the floor, load it into the car as it is. The main difficulty is the workshop buildings, but they are not particularly comfortable.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What logistics? Railways, one branch line. Assembly and packaging - you unscrew the machine from the floor, load it as is into the wagon. The main difficulty is the workshop buildings, but they are not particularly comfortable.

Yeah, how easy it is, sitting at the computer...