Who or what is stumbling around - page 3

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

She tamed me, I'm a wild wolf )

By the way, if you are interested in esotericism - this is the last thing I liked. It corrects karma, cleans chakras )) just listen and try to understand... at first nothing is clear and sounds like nonsense, then, after listening to all the clips, the general idea becomes clear. At the last stage this teaching starts to seem contradictory but it is really interesting and original :)

Well as if the root of many problems is in the human mind and its patterns of thinking and, consequently, behavior ... The clips may be controversial but they help you understand your own mind and way of thinking and fix something. It's good to listen to before you go to sleep instead of watching TV.


Thanks, I walk a lot, I listen to audiobooks, I'll listen to this one today, too.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

When there is a decent woman around, sex has a completely different, delightful connotation and goes from mechanics to spiritual interaction.)

Maximka, beautifully put. When will you start writing books for girls? Girls are going to be so wet with texts like that.
Evgeny Belyaev:

Maximka, beautifully put. When will you start writing books for girls? Girls will get wet from texts like that.

I was almost sweating myself when I wrote it.)
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

When you're with a decent woman, sex has a whole different, delightful connotation and goes from mechanics to spiritual interaction.)

I know, I've had it all. At my age it's not easy to find a decent one, or married, or old maid, or cubby height == width ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I know, I've had all sorts of things. At my age it's not easy to find someone worthy, or married, or old maid, or cubes height == width ))

I think it has to come from within oneself initially, then this kind of thing will be chosen, and it's a matter of chance

it's not really the point, it's not the most important thing in life, but it's nice

Maxim Romanov:
When did situations like that start to emerge?

They come up from time to time, there are no special aggravations.

I remember a sad incident in 2005. I was working at a large enterprise at the time, a normal, stable job, average wage, zero prospects.
I wanted to grow, found a job as a programmer in a German company, arranged my employment, resigned from the company, and tomorrow I would go to a German company to apply for a job.

My mother calls from the village, - Lyosha, come immediately, my father has died! I called the Germans to warn them, went, buried him, stayed there for 10 days. When I arrived, my place was already gone, I was left without work.

I worked at one institute temporarily for a bit of money, in 2006 I left for the Americans and it was already all right there.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

you're a bit horny))... if a woman is mentioned, you'll never miss it....

but that's OK, it's OK... I used to love handjobbing... to each his own...


you're a bit horny))... if a woman is mentioned, you'll never miss it....

but that's OK, it's OK... I used to love handjobbing... to each his own...

Yeah, some people are attracted to men, to each his own. You'd do better with your own life as an anonymous wanker than picking on someone else's.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, some get turned on by men, to each his own.

It's like the old joke:
Patient at the psychiatrist's office.
Doctor: - What are you complaining about?
Patient: - Doctor, I'm a pervert!
Doctor: - Could you tell me why you think so?
Patient: - It seems, Doctor, that I'm a lesbian!
Doctor: ?!?!?!?!?!
Patient: - There are so many cool men around and for some reason I'm attracted to women....