and wandering around randomly again... - page 17


Well, I'm not the Pope.

I am fighting for people to replace the statement "you can't make money on SB" with "I don't know how to make money on SB".

That's pretty much it.

I'm fighting for you to replace "I know how to make money on the SB" with"I claim to know how to make money on the SB".
because it's almost impossible for you to prove it.

I don't know a single person in the world who can make money on a coin.
But I know plenty of people (forum p******v) who claim they can, but when asked to show their trades in real time, they go bust. ))))

it fluctuates...

and also the roulette wheel is spinning ...and che...

and so does the drum in the field of miracles...

And the fact that any casino that plans to exist for more than one day MUST let some people win

(otherwise, who's going to "try their luck" tomorrow?)

If you were a forum blabbermouth and you were asked to show the state, what excuses would you make?

- I'm just telling you the usual stuff. It's the plain truth. It's obvious.
- I'm too lazy to prove that 2+2 is four.
- You won't believe my state.


And how much should your compensator compensate? 100% of your loss?

Well the martin gave you a profit. and the compensator compensated 100% of it. you were left with zero.

Martin gave you a loss. The compensator compensated 100% of it. You were left with zero.

Why are you talking nonsense? It's not theorizing, it's some kind of sickness.

You don't know probability theory or maths. If you did, you'd be able to calculate your theory and see that it's wrong.
And all you have to do is believe in this nonsense....

"Money for Two."

Thank you.

I'm fighting for you to replace the statement "I know how to make money on the Sat" with"I claim that I know how to make money on the Sat".
because it's almost impossible for you to prove it.

I don't know a single person in the world who can make money on a coin.
But know plenty of people (forum p******v) who claim they can.

So you don't know a single person in the world who lives at 6 rue Adolphe Julien in Paris. Do you think no one lives there at all?

And do you think these people care about the people you know?

And most importantly (!), what does it really matter to nature what you know and what you don't know? In nature, 2+2 equals four without regard to your opinion on the matter.


and how much should your indemnitor compensate? 100% of the loss?

Well the martin gave you a profit. and the compensator compensated for 100% of it. you were left with zero.

Martin gave you a loss. The compensator compensated 100% of it. You're left with zero.

Why are you talking nonsense? It's not theory, it's sickness.

You don't know probability theory or maths. If you did, you'd be able to calculate your theory and see that it's wrong.
And all you have to do is believe in this nonsense....

More "from the ceiling" nonsense.

And don't attribute to me the "nonsense" that you are making up yourself. What you wrote is indeed nonsense. But what's it got to do with me...? Your example doesn't contain a word of mine.


So you don't know a single person in the world who lives at 6 rue Adolphe Julien in Paris. You don't think anyone lives there?

And do you think these people care about the people you know?

And most importantly (!), what does it really matter to nature what you know and what you don't know? In nature, 2+2 equals four without regard to your opinion on the matter

oh my god! that's some u ******!


Again with the empty fiction "from the ceiling".

And don't attribute to me the "nonsense" you are making up yourself. What you have written is indeed nonsense. But, what's it got to do with me...? Your example doesn't contain a single word of mine.

i'm not making it up. i asked what percentage of the loss should the "compensator" compensate ? ))))
all the books on the theory of variance say that you cannot win on a coin. in the 2,000 years of mathematics, not one mathematician in the world, not one professor, not one PhD, not one Nobel laureate has come up with a way to win on a coin.

did I cure you?

there was a cartoon about a bragging parrot... even though he was a total loser, he told tall tales and the cat said, "We're well fed here too...")

he believes in fairy tales, he's naive, let him believe himself.... talking to him is useless and proving the obvious is boring...