and wandering around randomly again... - page 24


I don't see myself coming to such conclusions, I guess you know what I mean)))).
Don't you understand your own thoughts?))

And where do I put it in such a TC...?

Of all the variables in the series profit formula (AvP * NP - AvL * NL), I have only chosen to work on AvP and AvL because they are the ones that are most easily influenced by us . And the others... (are they the right ones?).

I see, thank you.

Some people are naive fools who were young and have remained so in their old age (avtomat in particular)...

my daughter is a grown-up and her father plays with toys like a child..... other fathers become lawyers, doctors, businessmen.... they provide for their families and earn money... her father is going to get rich on forex)))

I would be ashamed to tell such stories about my father...

it's pathetic...

Oleg is a systems engineer and that is as good as a doctor, a lawyer or a businessman. Why, do you have information that Oleg does not provide for his family? Forex for him is a hobby, and there is nothing wrong with it, it is better than drinking or banging dominoes on the bench in the yard. If he hasn't earned on Forex yet (though it's also written with a stick in the water), then with such a scientific approach, which he demonstrates, he will earn by all means.

And what are you to judge him. You have a good profession, a family, you are well off financially? And what are you doing here on this Forex-related forum, if you have such a negative attitude towards Forex? I think it's you who present a pathetic spectacle, trying to gain fame on this forum by trashing local authorities.


Oleg is a systems engineer and that is as good as a doctor, a lawyer or a businessman. Why, do you have information that Oleg does not provide for his family? Forex is his hobby and there is nothing wrong with it, it is better than drinking or banging dominoes on the bench in the yard. Even if he hasn't earned on Forex yet (though it's also written with a stick in the water), with such a scientific approach, which he demonstrates, he will earn by all means.

And what are you to judge him. You have a good profession, a family, you are well off financially? And what are you doing here on this Forex-related forum, if you have such a negative attitude towards Forex? It seems to me that you are the pathetic one, trying to gain fame on this forum by trashing local authorities.

Unfortunately, the statement that engineers, and other people of intellectual labor and all those who created this world (sysadmins, programmers, scientists), who do not set their own and can not cheat people - suckers, is still widespread. These are the kind of suckers who invented smartphones, linux (on which smartphones are built), electricity, and designed houses.

Fuck! It seems to me that you...
please calm down, don't swear, be baptised when it seems the unclean you are empty
You are wrong, if the stop is closer than the take, the probability of it triggering is higher.


I wonder how you came to the conclusion that the probability is 50/50?

no no more, enter on a coin(HGS), coin is 50\50
Maxim Romanov:
Unfortunately, the claim that engineers, and other people of intellectual labour and all those who created this world (sysadmins, programmers, scientists), who do not set their own and do not know how to fool people - suckers, is still widespread. These are the kind of suckers who invented smartphones, linux (on which smartphones are built), electricity, designed houses.

There's no need to confuse the warm and the soft. There are plenty of equally scientific people here, including among the opponents. They do not, however, carry blatant nonsense.

That is, achievements in various fields, if any, do not give an indulgence to bullshit.


Oooooooooooooooooo)))) this is MEGABURATINO...I thought Kent was naive and it turns out there are even more wooden ones...that should be a 50/50 statistical grail

PS: just so you know, even at a difference of 2 points for example tp 102 and sl 100... this is a sufficient condition for the probability of sl triggering to be much more frequent....

and with stops smaller than 300 pips, even the smallest skew has a big impact with a random entry, with a spread of 1.5-2 pips.

I'm telling you what really works in the market, in contrast to all these abstruse neural networks and genetic algorithms that are just needed to bait investors for money.

Oleg is a systems engineer and that is as good as a doctor, a lawyer or a businessman. Why, do you have information that Oleg does not provide for his family? Forex is his hobby and there is nothing wrong with it, it is better than drinking or banging dominoes on the bench in the yard. If he hasn't earned on Forex yet (though it's written with a stick in the mud), with such a scientific approach, which he demonstrates, he will earn by all means.

And what are you to judge him. You have a good profession, a family, you are well off financially? And what are you doing here on this Forex-related forum, if you have such a negative attitude towards Forex? I think it's you who present a pathetic spectacle, trying to gain fame on this forum by trashing local authorities.

25 again....why are you interfering in everyone else's conversation, sticking your nose in and lecturing me all the time...?

"And what are you doing here on a forex related forum if you have such a negative attitude towards forex?"

None of your damn business...

Go to hell...

Олег avtomat:

who are you, you foolish man, to give advice...

get out.

For Christ's sake, "lunatics"

Христа ради «сумасшедшие» - Православный журнал "Фома"
Христа ради «сумасшедшие» - Православный журнал "Фома"
  • votes: 2
  • 2013.02.03
  • foma
Это интервью с православным богословом из Франции Жан-Клодом Ларше было написано на французском языке, а потом переведено на русский. И в процессе перевода мы столкнулись с любопытной вещью. Оказалось, во французском языке не существует отдельного слова «юродивый», есть только выражение — «fou en Christ», которое дословно можно перевести как...