Registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship July 2017 . - page 85

Олег avtomat:

The ruleswill not be changed.

Andrey Dik, the curator, enter the an account, enter the contest, enter the contest, show your result.

No problem. in this competition, I can not participate due to my internal reasons, not related to the competition. in august - it's possible I think, poorly accumulated affairs / problems already sorted out little by little.

Server Muradasilov:

The rules for July have been set - they will not be changed.

If participants, forum users, have clear, reasonable offers, - on additions, changes, they can be discussed here, for the August championship.

The curator, rules of the championships, remainsAndrey Dik

Thank you
Server Muradasilov:

Greetings, unfortunately you do not have verification. Have you applied for verification, when?

No, where and how?

Олег avtomat:

Explain the rights and duties of the supervisor. What does he do, what is his use?

To make sure I don't get bullied, and the rest of us ..........

Andrey Dik:

Andrey, I asked about calculating the formula not out of idle curiosity, but because I participate in competitions and want to understand what exactly in my actions affects the Score and, accordingly, take it into account when trading.

(The formulas in the spoiler on the Championship page are not correct, because it is impossible to understand where the variables come from. Perhaps there are not enough indices).

If there is a place where the variables and counting rules are explained, give me a link.

If there is code which gives the final Score - even better.

Server Muradasilov:

Don't let them lead me and the rest of you ..........

"Who will keep watch over the watchmen?"

The curator is labeled as infallible and won't be led around by the nose?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?- Latinwinged phrase, translated "Who will keep watchmen themselves?" It is used to describe a situation, when people assigned to protect certain laws and rules, themselves violate them, plunder property, which they should protect from thieves, etc.

Origins[edit|edit wiki text]

First found in the Satyrs (Satyr VI, 340)of Juvenal. The ancient Roman poet says that if people's minds are corrupt, no external barriers can prevent them from committing an immoral act[1]:

I hear and know, friends, your long-standing advice;
"A wife must be watched, locked up.The watchmen
How is it to be guarded? For she is circumspect with them to begin with.[2]


no, where and how?

Go to your profileSelecting "Service Desk" and "New application"

In the header write - Verification

Select section - account

Select the subject of the application

In the message body write - sending documents for verification

attach all the documents that you show at any broker or brokerage house to pass the verification of their

Олег avtomat:

The curator is labeled as infallible and won't lead you astray?

I believe him, no one has proven otherwise....

Server Muradasilov:

I believe him, no one has proven otherwise...

I understand. Faith.

Can you explain the meaning of the formulas used to calculate "efficiency"? Or have you just taken them on faith, blindly, without understanding?

Kirill Belousov:

Andrey, I asked about formula calculation not out of idle curiosity, but because I participate in competitions and want to understand what exactly in my actions affects the Score and, accordingly, take it into account when trading.

(The formulas in the spoiler on the Championship page are not correct, because it is impossible to understand where the variables come from. Perhaps there are not enough indices).

If there is a place where the variables and counting rules are explained, give me a link.

If there is a code which gives the final Score - even better.

Here's a description of all the formulas, if you have any questions, ask. The only thing is that Sharpe is changed to "Recovery Factor"

Регистрация участников на чемпионат MetaQuotes-Demо в мае
Регистрация участников на чемпионат MetaQuotes-Demо в мае
  • 2017.04.09
Устанавливаем правила на май месяц Предыдущая тема с правилами: Спарринг на демо счетах MetaQuotes-Demo...
Kirill Belousov:

Andrey, I asked about formula calculation not out of idle curiosity, but because I participate in competitions and want to understand what exactly in my actions affects the Score and, accordingly, take it into account when trading.

(The formulas in the spoiler on the Championship page are not correct, because it is impossible to understand where the variables come from. Perhaps there are not enough indices).

If there is a place where the variables and counting rules are explained, give me a link.

If there is code that gives the final Score - even better.

  • Score = Balance + Drawdown + Recovery Factor
  • Balance =[Balance(among all participants) - minBalance(among all participants)] /[maxBalance(among all participants) - minBalance(among all participants)] * 1.5
  • Drawdown = 1 -[Drawdown (participant) - minDrawdown(among all participants)] /[maxDrawdown(among all participants) - minDrawdown(among all participants)]
  • Rec.Factor =[Rec.Factor (participant) - minRec.Factor(among all participants)] /[maxRec.Factor(among all participants) - minRec.Factor(among all participants)] * 0.5

From the formula you can see that the formula is recalculated dynamically with all participants, it is a relative indicator, not an absolute one. In other words, your factor can improve not only because of the improvement of your trade, but because of the deterioration of the other participants.

It's also clear what and how affects the result. If balance and rebound factor can be improved during the competition, the maximal drawdown cannot be improved in any way (the factor that restrains you from getting unreasonable).

I also suggested to take into account the depo load factor (the more loaded the depo is, the more free funds are used, and the more confident the manager is in his system), as well as the trading activity factor, but these suggestions have not found support in the community.

And we also see the coefficients of importance of individual indicators in the formula. The maximum efficient improvement of the score can be achieved by balance (by converting floating into fixed income), but since some participants have great problems with this (the need to close all positions one way or another at the end of the competition), so there is a "turmoil" from time to time. Well, who has it easy nowadays? - that's why the second nomination was introduced, to show what's behind the participant's trading on the one hand, and on the other hand, to make life easier for you))))