Would anyone be willing to work in a group? - page 7

Uladzimir Izerski:

1. Is there anyone willing to work in a group in the financial markets?

2. To avoid being hit by a barrage of critics , write in person if you are shy.

3. Specify your experience, skills and abilities.

1. Interested in working in a group.

2. Not shy.

3. Everything I thought was necessary is in the profile.


I disagree with the author of this thread about the structure of the organisation.

There should be an idea, then there is a number of programmers with leading programmers who are interested in the whole project, and only then there is a group of traders - who are actually only needed to first perform these signals and check them, and then only as risk managers... I.e., the role of traders is mandatory, but not a priority in any case....

And the traders' role is the first practical application and publicity of the results.

The author is looking for traders in the beginning.... as I understand from his own posts.... I wonder what's next - programmers to implement traders' ideas?

and no other way....
Uladzimir Izerski:

In an assembly shop, even people with a narrow specialisation can work, and specialists are always welcome. Arrogance is not welcomed anywhere.
Then write that you are looking for workers for routine work in an assembly shop.
Dmitriy Skub:
Then you should write that you are looking for workers for routine work in an assembly shop.
Aleksey Panfilov:

1. Interested in working in a group.

2. Not shy.

3. Everything I thought was necessary is in the profile.

Good. We'll discuss it a little later.
Dmitriy Skub:
So then you write that you need performers for routine work in the assembly shop.

Aftor seems to have already created a firm and did not go - got into debt, now you need to vigorously work out, for this you need a small group of very talented like-minded people and will, necessarily will make millions, you just need to work and work, and the money will agree later - plans are certainly grandiose ... but everything will do quietly - a mosquito's nose will not bite.... But all done quietly - a mosquito will not sweat their noses, and there are already many who want to ... please contact me in person, please ... do not consider it advertising ...)) In short, the "ice has broken" - the company is gaining momentum - who has not had time that late ... Big boat as they say, more entrepreneurial freedom ...

Added: Of course you'd rather work somewhere on the shore of the South Sea or even the Pacific Ocean, electricity is much cheaper there... tempting, well, very tempting...


From time to time similar themes appear on the forum. The only thing that came out of it is unknown.

The topic is competent, but the traders are the weakest link here. How few of them there are is clear. Personally, I simply do not have time to watch the whole market. I would like to work with traders who work withNZDUSD orUSDSGD. That is, those pairs that I do not follow. But the trader has to show profit and the history has to be as if the account is managed by a specialist. In this case we'll have no problems, I will trust the tips. You cannot build something without trust.


You know, to be honest, I was expecting a more massive attack from critics than there is now. It is quite natural to criticise.

It's much easier to criticise and rebuke than to create something.


I could hire programmers if I had to, but the task is entirely different.

Namely to create a cell of collective intelligence. You have to look a little wider.

Whoever wants to see themselves exploited will be exploited. Hired programmers are employees with the corresponding result of their work.

And there is a category of people who are interested in the results of their research and the results of their work.

Who sees an advantage in the group they are already addressing through a private page, and here on the page, who does not suffer from complexes may be ready to cooperate.

Thousands of people read the forum, many of them are ready to unite, but there are no conditions for them, or rather no core, no leader who could organize something.

I am sure there will be many suggestions, although the page has not existed much yet.

Join those who are good at statistics and fundamentalists. Traders with experience in the markets.

Trust that no one will take your old work away from you, you can use it at your own pleasure.

A product will be created from scratch, up-to-date and in line with current demands and trends. And only for a group of participants.

One person can't do everything. If a coordinated group comes together, there are good prospects.

There may be a suspicion that someone may get rid of the project once the product is ready.

Don't count on this. There will be a mechanism to protect you from such actions and the efficiency of the product will depend only on collective participation.

So be aware of this circumstance. Whether you are ready for such a turnaround.