Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 99

Yeah, but they obviously don't make 3k a month either, like the frontrunners in signals. Yeah, and 500k isn't exactly the same as the lambs.
Why not combine business with pleasure by inserting a couple of false entries/exits for the public version into their "grail".

have you seen their financials anywhere? They do not make 500k a month, not that they make thousands. have you ever seen their financial statements?

have you seen their financial statements anywhere? ))) and as far as I understand this is off-topic. so best not to continue. in time you will understand
You'd think they'd show it to you honestly.
Renat Akhtyamov:

It happens.

But, the demo is only for winning, and it's not difficult...

The only rule - when you lose (you close the loss), then you have to earn it again, and only after that will growth begin.

That is why in competitions we win only on the plus side or lose on the downside.

I have a trading robot there now. There's still time. Let's move on.

Of course we are!

Things have changed, the US wants a weak dollar, the market reacts!

New top three. The race is on.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Of course you are!

Things have changed, the US wants a weak dollar, the market reacts!

New top three. The race is on.


Sorry. got sick. wasn't watching my score.

I see I'm on line 6 and I can't get up....


Meanwhile, foreign media representatives in Pyongyang have already been warned to "prepare for a massive event" to take place in the DPRK on Thursday.

If nothing happens this week, the dollar will soar.

Иностранных журналистов в КНДР предупредили о важном мероприятии
Иностранных журналистов в КНДР предупредили о важном мероприятии
Иностранных журналистов в КНДР проинформировали о большом и важном мероприятии, которое состоится в ближайшее время. Об этом сообщает ТАСС, ссылаясь на агентство Reuters. Что именно произойдет в стране, представителям СМИ не сообщили. Не исключено, что это будет празднование 105-летия со...

There is even a visit counter in the bottom right corner ...


Registration for the championships in May are being held in this thread

Регистрация участников на чемпионат MetaQuotes-Demо в мае
Регистрация участников на чемпионат MetaQuotes-Demо в мае
Устанавливаем правила на май месяц Предыдущая тема с правилами: Спарринг на демо счетах MetaQuotes-Demo...
2017.04.13 09:22NZDCHFSellIn1.000.701480.00

2017.04.13 17:07NZDCHFBuyOut1.0092233.72037-9171300614.52[so at -116795848.33% ]

What was that ?

By the way this symbol is not on the quad, wanted to look at the stud)

Vladimir Zubov:
2017.04.13 09:22NZDCHFSellIn1.000.701480.00

2017.04.13 17:07NZDCHFBuyOut1.0092233.72037-9171300614.52[so at -116795848.33% ]

What was that ?

By the way this symbol is not on the quad, wanted to look at the stud)

My sparring account broke as well :)

2017.04.13 09:22NZDCHFSellIn1.000.701480.00

2017.04.13 17:07NZDCHFBuyOut1.0092233.72037-9171300614.52[so at -116795848.33% ]

So what's this interesting rate? I don't trade on this symbol, but judging from the historical data there wasn't such a spike