Congratulations to new forum moderator Artyom Trishkin - page 8

Sergey Golubev:
It's all right, but if he was dancing behind the scenes, it would be closer to us. And this way, the audience looks at him first (he is in front of them) and the orchestra behind him. So he is in charge, and the orchestra can be replaced by a tape recorder.
So this is not our option.

I wonder how a moderator can develop and direct the forum "behind the scenes"?

You can only ban and erase posts "behind the scenes" - there is a smiley face "Amazement" (with open mouth) - that's "behind the scenes".

On 4th forum, as far as I remember, all moderators were active and participated and didn't do anything "offscreen" -- at least "coming to you" or "ban" and "rub the posts/topic" was before and not after in "surprise" smiley mode -- that's why they were remembered positively by everyone.

Or is it not?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I wonder how a moderator can develop and direct the forum "behind the scenes"?

You can only ban and erase posts "behind the scenes" - there is a smiley face "Amazement" (with open mouth) - that's "behind the scenes".

On 4th forum, as far as I remember, all moderators were active and participated and didn't do anything "offscreen" -- at least "coming to you" or "ban" and "rub the posts/topic" was before and not after in "surprise" smiley mode -- that's why they were remembered positively by everyone.

Or are they not?

You're exaggerating. I mean the video - the conductor moderator is dancing, amusing himself, the audience newcomers, and the orchestra users are playing, giving the conductor a good aura and helping in his personal promotion. Who is in charge in the video? The conductor.
Can he remove the orchestra user for bad playing? Yes. Will there be applause or displeasure from the rookie audience? Yes. Who's in charge again? The conductor. Whose show? His.

It's supposed to be the other way around... and I'm not saying he shouldn't be seen at all... but not like this...
Sergey Golubev:
You are exaggerating. I mean the video - the conductor moderator is dancing, amusing himself, the audience newcomers, and the orchestra users are playing, creating a good aura for the conductor and helping in his personal promotion. Who is in charge in the video? The conductor.
Can he remove the orchestra user for bad playing? Yes. Will there be applause or displeasure from the rookie audience? Yes. Who's in charge again? The conductor. Whose show? His.

It's supposed to be the other way around... and I'm not saying he shouldn't be seen at all... but not like this...

You are somewhat substituting concepts, replacing cause with effect and vice versa.

Themoderator conductor runs the forum orchestra and being in charge, the novice audience listens to the forum orchestra rather than admiring the moderator conductor. And even as an active participant in the show and drawing attention to himself, in this video -- the forum orchestra is in charge and the audience of newcomers. And if themoderator conductor hadn't jumped in, thenovice spectators wouldn't have gotten involved and transformed fromnovice spectators to forum participants.

And if the conductormoderator were to remove the entire user orchestra for poor playing -- i.e. replace the orchestra with a tape recorder, as you suggested above -- then the audience would disperse, as they are not interested in the veneer.

Besides the term "conductor" there is also the term "puppeteer".


... т.е. заменит оркестр на магнитофон, как вы предложили выше -- то зрители разойдутся ...

Right. So the main one here is the orchestra (which is more difficult to replace than the conductor).
In the video, it's the other way round.

Sergey Golubev:

Right. So the main one here is the orchestra (which is harder to replace than the conductor).
And in the video it's vice versa.

It's just that the video can be interpreted from different angles -- to the extent of one's promiscuity, so to speak.


It is the duty of a moderator not only to ban, but also to do preventive work with the masses. I remember how Matemat's red-letter markings had a preventive effect without deleting posts, where possible of course, not only on the offender, but also on others.

I join in congratulations.

Success, Artem, in your new position!

Do you see what a high level of trust the forum members have for you? I believe that you will be harsh to violators, but fair).

Maybe it's time to tear down the branch?
Maybe it's time to tear down the branch.
Is it buzzing somewhere?
When TC decides he's had enough of the holiday, he'll ask for it.
Uladzimir Izerski:

It is the duty of a moderator not only to ban, but also to do preventive work with the masses. I remember how Matemat's red-letter markings had a preventive effect without deleting posts, where possible of course, not only on the offender, but also on others.

I join in congratulations.

Success, Artem, in your new position!

Do you see what a high level of trust the forum members have for you? I believe that you will be harsh to violators, but fair).

Thank you ;)
Artyom Trishkin:
Is it buzzing somewhere?
When TC decides he's had enough of the holiday, he'll ask for it himself.
the new moderator didn't want to delete the topic created in honour of his appointment and kept humming his balalaika to the beat of the starter..... it was getting late, but the moderator didn't want to go to work in the night... why, when the starter is chiming the drum beat so beautifully.
"Inauguration of a moderator" (from the MQL forum).

Stop dancing and wait, stop bringing up the topic.