Congratulations to new forum moderator Artyom Trishkin - page 6

Artyom Trishkin:

I'm generally in favour of public moderators not having the right to be banned for more than a day or a week.

All bans for a month or more are administration only + servicedesk.

This would remove most of the outrage and petitions about bans on the one hand, and the cause for emotion and consequent abuse on the other.

p.s. Artem, please bring up the question about the unbanning of try to figure out what was there, how and why. Maybe every new moderator has an amnesty quota? Like, a new moderator can unban someone to celebrate their ascension to the throne.

Олег avtomat
Олег avtomat
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Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I'm generally in favour of public moderators not having the right to be banned for more than a day or a week.

All bans for a month or more are administration only + servicedesk.

That would remove most of the outrage and petitions about bans on the one hand, and the cause for emotion and consequent abuse on the other.

p.s. And, Artem, raise the issue of the unbanning try to figure out what was there, how and why.

Andrey, I am well aware of what was there and how it was there. As a simple user, I actively asked for Oleg's pardon. I negotiated the terms of his amnesty. But Oleg thanked me and refused. He was severely insulted by calling his completely alive and completely verified by the service documents daughter, a mere clone of his account. He flatly refused to return to the service. The human element, unfortunately. The thread was interesting.
Artyom Trishkin:
Andrew, I am well aware of what was there and how it was. Even as a simple user, I actively asked for Oleg's pardon. I negotiated the terms of his amnesty. But Oleg thanked me and refused. He was severely insulted by calling his completely alive and completely verified by the service documents daughter, a mere clone of his account. He flatly refused to return to the service. The human element, unfortunately. The thread was interesting.

Artyom -- if there was an injustice there -- then the issue should be raised, dealt with, and unbanished.

And how he would feel about his unbanning is another matter.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I'm generally in favour of public moderators not having the right to be banned for more than a day or a week.

All bans for a month or more are administration only + servicedesk.

That would remove most of the outrage and petitions about bans on the one hand, and the cause for emotion and consequent abuse on the other.

p.s. Artem, please bring up the question about the unbanning of try to figure out what was there, how and why. Maybe every new moderator has an amnesty quota? Like, a new moderator can unban someone to celebrate their ascension to the throne.


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

p.s. Artyom, please raise the question about the unbanning

Looked it up - it was me who banned him for spamming: advertising Signals. The ban has been removed.

And to you, Andrei - a warning. Don't try to manipulate moderators. I won't lift a finger.

Rashid Umarov:

Looked it up - it was me who banned him for spamming: advertising Signals. The ban was lifted.

And you, Andrei, a warning. Don't try to manipulate the moderators. I won't lift a finger.

That's understandable. Oh, why can't I be in administration? They won't take me as a moderator -- no way.

Rashid Umarov:

Looked it up - it was me who banned him for spamming: advertising Signals. The ban was lifted.

And you, Andrei - a warning. Don't try to manipulate the moderators. I will not lift a finger.

Thank you, Rashid. I'll tell Oleg on Skype, then. Let him decide for himself.
Artyom Trishkin:

Thank you.

What's not flooding here? People here are expressing their opinions - opinions are not flood... It's just... chatting, and then splitting up...

Why just chat? After all, a really burning question "What counts as a discussion about the actions of a moderator?

Or to discuss such a situation


Just hypothetically sketching out the situation.

Here's someone taking the posts and deleting them because the code in them didn't match their vision of what was right.

Is this also moderator action? Or is it arbitrariness?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Artyom -- if there was an injustice there -- then the issue should be raised, dealt with, and unbanished.

How he feels about his unbanning is another matter.

Andrey, I'm not going to dust, swear, scandalise and have a squabble with raising old topics, that's for sure. At least I won't do it publicly. You know my position ;). I am an advocate of peaceful resolution.
Artyom Trishkin:
Andrei, I certainly won't be dusting, swearing, scandalising or picking on old topics. At least I won't do it publicly. You know my position ;). I am a supporter of calm settlement.
Artem, I just brought up a question about Oleg -- you are already attacking me -- you are angry, I'll leave you alone -- I'm sure that Roche will not lift a finger, he promised and will definitely do it, I've already been there -- I don't want to experiment where I know the outcome.