Where can I buy a book on EA programming? - page 12


C + + I found 400 rubles, and C # 1 000 rubles.
Here's advice on what book to buy?

Don't take it as an advertisement) I just want to help the man, I have nothing to do with the company I'm advising)

My advice - courses from Itvdn - there are great guys who will tell you about slashes and other things. The minimum course costs about 20 dollars (monthly subscription and access to all the courses).

C + + is best suited (the initial level and maybe a basic ...) because Mql is done by the likes of pluses (albeit greatly reduced, but darkly), and the courses of this quality on Mql directly to find will be difficult (if they even exist). And by tweaking one of the similar syntax languages, you can learn the second one very quickly.

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Help is not good enough to get you started. It requires a minimum level of understanding of programming. Find me at least one page in the programming help, which will be fully understood by absolutely unfamiliar with this business. The structure of the information itself is sharpened for something else. The textbooks are very different.
Yes, tinny, looks like it will never come to real code writing, sent a comrade to read multi-volume Knuth's book )), left to throw in references to many thousands of English self-study (apparently there is a problem too, since "single quote needed" == "brick"). At the same time it would be nice to have another famous book "The Art of Circuitry" (preferably in the original English, of course), to represent the computer at the lowest (most basic) level.

Clarification, to read as a fiction book is a filter of personal perception and no more, will save time for TC and for other people.Why explain that the syntax of the language is so, if you can generally read the history of creation of c++ (in general algorithmic languages). Before there was no Internet and the author could not discuss slashes with everyone in the book. It's always useful to read an acknowledged smart person on the subject you're interested in. Knuth (and the Art of Circuits including) gives a set of problems and direction on how they were solved (today you can open a datasheet, take a typical circuit and voila everything is ready or even order on alibaba). If a person doesn't know/understand the difference in digit capacity of a processor, the statements of the Administration and all the rest about 64 bits are like peas against a wall - in the end it's a wasted time.

Denis Kirichenko:

And in general, the MQL5 Documentation has already been rightly said. It's well written. A starting point. A lot of articles on the MQL5 website. No book will ever cover the amount of what is written...

To give advice about documentation to a beginner is a common, but fundamentally flawed advice.

A beginner needs a tutorial -- the documentation is not clear to him.

As soon as the newcomer understands the documentation, he doesn't need a workbook and needs documentation.

Why with all the various programming tutorials out there -- 99% of them are useless? -- Because they are designed to "trace" the documentation.

Documentation and textbooks have different goals and different approaches to the presentation of the material.

None of the documentation is built from a methodological, educational point of view.

I've been "reading from the screen" with a bucket of albucid under my arm for months. I couldn't think of anything! I think the candlesticks are so strange. One is big, the other is small, then the tail at the top and bottom - abracadabra ..... there is a line and no one should think about it ... So I thought .... But then I saw the book "Steve Nison" Japanese Candlesticks ". From the very first page I got carried away! There about Japan, how this technical analysis in general originated ... about Honma who traded rice, "and so on.E as the candles sound in Japanese ... also interesting .... I "swallowed" the book in a week and now "read" the chart .... . So one needs a book and one needs electronics. There are no two tastes, no two colours!

I don't think everything is so rosy and learning is always so exciting (at least in this field). 95% of what I read is on willpower. I needed to handle exceptions and I spent several days (if not a week) reading about all sorts of personal functions, CFI, landing pads, exception tables, variable-length integers, libstdc stack unbundling, dug under the debugger, ... . We could write one more book on this subject, supplying it all with history and the author's sparkling humour. That's why in my opinion the effectiveness of the book is low. And most of the concepts will be simply incomprehensible or unremembered because they are irrelevant to the reader at the moment.

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Help is not good enough to get you started. It requires a minimum level of understanding of programming. Find me at least one page in the programming help, which will be fully understood by absolutely unfamiliar with this business. The structure of the information itself is sharpened for something else. Textbooks are very different.

Well done !!! I also noticed ( and in more than one source ) a VOLUNTARY writing style . And to whom is the question ? F1 ??? ( it's not you who's getting a kick out of it )

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Advising a newcomer about documentation is common advice - only it is fundamentally flawed.

A beginner needs a tutorial -- he doesn't understand the documentation.

As soon as the beginner understands the documentation, he doesn't need a textbook and needs the documentation.

Why with all the various programming tutorials out there -- 99% of them are useless? -- Because they are designed to "trace" the documentation.

Documentation and textbooks have different goals and different approaches to the presentation of the material.

None of the documentation is built from a methodological, instructional point of view.

A car has a fifth speed where you go fast. But you have to go from FIRST !!!

Well done !!! I also noticed ( and in more than one source) a WAVING writing style . And to whom is the question ? F1 ??? ( it's not for you)

it's just to make it visually easier to determine the logical chain. You can write the whole code in one line, but then if you want to change something, you go crazy.

Clarification, to read as a fiction book is a filter of personal perception and no more, will save time for TC and for other people.Why explain that the syntax of the language is so, if you can generally read the history of creation of c++ (in general algorithmic languages). Before there was no Internet and the author could not discuss slashes with everyone in the book. It's always useful to read an acknowledged smart person on the subject you're interested in. Knuth (and the Art of Circuits as well)

gives a set of problems and direction on how they were solved (Today you can open a datasheet, take a typical circuit and voila everything is ready, or even order on alibaba). If a person doesn't know/understand the difference in digit capacity of a processor, the statements of the Administration and all the rest about 64 bits are like peas against a wall - in the end it is a wasted time.

I used to go to the library when I was a child. I liked reading very much. I guess I still have an affinity for books. The internet depends on the provider. If you sit too long, it knocks you out. It makes you nervous, and that has a negative effect on learning. Also, the monotonous noise of the fan on the laptop is very distracting and unnerving. Also, if you forget something, you have to remember which page you are on - you get nervous - it affects your grades. Then my eyes get watery and glazed over. You can't do it with a book.

In short, the conclusion: The book on C++ will be useful for introductory purposes just for beginners. Isn't 400 rubles too high a price? I'll look at the MQL5 BOOK I got the link to a few pages ago.

And no one has answered my questions about slashes ..... I remember a cartoon as a child: water drips from the faucet (the tap is not closed) and the right guy, even in a tie, goes by and is very indignant at the sloppiness! wrote a bunch of banners urging frugality. Then, tired but happy with the work done, he took a rest next to the faucet that was BREAKING. A kid ran by, saw the crane dripping and CLOSED the crane. Dude even rolled his eyes in amazement!

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Help is not a good place to start. Requires a minimum level of understanding of programming. Here you can find me even one page in programming help, which can be fully understood by absolutely unfamiliar with this work. The structure of the information itself is sharpened for something else. The textbooks are very different.

What is this minimal understanding? That a programme is a set of instructions... What else?