Where can I buy a book on EA programming? - page 13



And no one has answered my questions about backslashes ..... I remember a cartoon when I was a child: water dripping from the faucet (they did not turn off the tap) and the right guy, even in a tie, goes by and was very angry at the carelessness! Then, tired but happy with the work done, he took a rest next to the faucet that was BREAKING. A kid ran by, saw the crane dripping and CLOSED the crane. Dude even rolled his eyes in amazement!

What is the question?

// - if it's at the end of a line, anything after them is a comment.

\ - there is no such thing at the end of a line.

If slashes in a string, i.e. between inverted commas like this: "qwerty//asddffg", then

// are just slashes.

A backslash, on the other hand, is not just a slash. If it's \n, it's a newline character, and if it's \t, it's a tabulation character... and if it's \\\, it's a single backslash.

So a backslash is a special character that changes the meaning of the character after it.


And no one has answered my questions about slashes ..... I remember a cartoon as a child: water drips from the faucet (they did not turn off the tap) and the right dude goes by, even in a tie, and is very angry about slovenliness! Then, tired but happy with the work done, he took a rest next to the faucet that was BREAKING. A little kid ran by, saw the crane dripping and CLOSED the crane. Dude even rolled his eyes in amazement!

A lot of people have already told you about the slashes.

Have you even heard one? You immediately put aside every answer (including mine) and ask the next question, which has little to do with the one you asked. Exactly, like a little kid who asks "why" questions only to be noticed by his parents, while the essence of the questions is of no interest to him.

There is no "royal path" in programming that you are looking for. Take the MQL editor, create an automatic script, and put those two slashes in it, and see what happens. And then ask questions about exactly what YOU wrote. Mentioning what you want to get, and what you don't understand about what you actually get.

Otherwise - you'll end up banned with the remark "for stupidity" (although I personally tend to the opinion that it is not stupidity, and trolling).

Georgiy Merts:

A lot of people have already told you about the slashes.

Have you even heard one? You immediately put aside every answer (including mine) and ask the next question, which has little to do with the one you asked. Exactly, like a little kid who asks "why" questions only to be noticed by his parents, while the essence of the questions is of no interest to him.

There is no "royal path" in programming that you are looking for. Take the MQL editor, create an automatic script, and put those two slashes in it, and see what happens. And then ask questions about exactly what YOU wrote. Mention what you want to get, and what you don't understand about what you actually get.

Otherwise, you'll end up getting banned with the remark "for being stupid" (although I personally tend to believe that it's not stupid but trolling.

On page 13 Dmitry Fedoseyev STARTED answering my questions. And up to this point I wrote . that the slash - a multi-line comment.

Ok, if you are NOT stupid - then answer it. EXAMPLE: //

as you can see it's a multiline comment.

Question : WHAT in this case are they commenting on .

Answers and puns like : "tudym sudym is not quite the right understanding ... "and all sorts of CRAZY pantomimes are not accepted as an answer!

You should ban stupid trolls who write, "What the hell is there to understand? "And stupidly think they've answered the question asked.


On page 13 Dmitry Fedoseyev STARTed answering my questions. Until then I was told that slashes are multi-line comments.

Ok, if you are NOT stupid - then answer . EXAMPLE: //

as you can see it's a multi-line comment.

Question : WHAT in this case are they commenting on .

Answers and puns like : "tudym sudym is not quite the right understanding ... " and all sorts of AWESOME pantomimes are not accepted for answer !!!

And you should ban stupid trolls who, instead of answering, write: "What the hell is there to understand? "And stupidly think they've answered the question asked.

Stargazer, the unwillingness to sort it out yourself is nothing but punt.

Open any code from the code base and you'll see comments with your uncomplicated slashes.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is the question?

// - if it's at the end of a line, anything after them is a comment.

\ - there is no such thing at the end of a string.

If slashes in a string, i.e. between inverted commas like this: "qwerty//asddffg", then

// are just slashes.

A backslash, on the other hand, is not just a slash. If it's \n, it's a newline character, and if it's \t, it's a tabulation character... and if it's \\, it's one backslash.

So a backslash is a special character that changes the meaning of the character that comes after it.

// is just a slash.

Q: What is the meaning of a backslash in MQL code?

\ - So a backslash is a special character that changes the meaning of the character that comes after it. ( that's the DEFINITION of the assignment ) we'll talk more later


On page 13 Dmitry Fedoseyev STARTed answering my questions. Until then I was told that slashes are multi-line comments.

Ok, if you are NOT stupid - then answer . EXAMPLE: //

as you can see it's a multi-line comment.

Question : WHAT in this case are they commenting on .

Answers and puns like : "tudym sudym is not quite the right understanding ... " and all sorts of AWESOME pantomimes are not accepted for an answer !!!

You should ban stupid trolls who write, "What's not to understand? "...and stupidly think they've answered the question.

So I told you, a double slash starts a comment that continues to the end of the line.

Your example has two slashes and a blank behind it, that blank to the end of the line is your comment. What else is not clear from this example?

If it's not clear, what is ? If it is clear - give the next example and question.

// Все что после них в строке. Есть комментарий и в коде не участвует.

Все что есть между этих слеш звездочка
Является описанием/комментарием.
И так-же в коде не участвует.

string str  = "// есть просто два слеша в строке";
string str1 = "\\ т.к. обратный слеш является символом, то для вывода в строке ставиться двойной";
string str2 = "первая строка \n новая строка \t табуляция \r возврат каретки. К примеру если нужно написать в строке что используется табуляция, но ее не желать \\t в этой ситуации обратный слеш будет как просто символ строки";

#include <dir\my.mqh>
#include "dir\\my.mqh"

I don't know what years your book is, but the latest edition (recently published, after 2010) has 400 pages about digital technology.

I have an older version, chapters 8-11 about digital small circuits, one chapter about minicomputers. But that's not the point, you don't need this knowledge to use a computer successfully.


I went to the library a lot when I was a kid. I loved to read. I guess I still have an affinity for books. The internet depends on the provider. If you sit too long, it knocks you out. It makes you nervous, and that has a negative effect on learning. Also, the monotonous noise of the fan on the laptop is very distracting and unnerving. Also, if you forget something, you have to remember which page you are on - you get nervous - it affects your grades. Then my eyes get watery and glazed over. You can't do it with a book.

In short, the conclusion: The book on C++ will be useful for introductory purposes just for beginners. Isn't 400 rubles too high a price? I'll look at the BOOK on MQL5, the link I got a few pages ago.

Better a textbook Kovalev. It's written concisely, briefly and to the point. It explains the principles of working with ticks, bars, terminal, orders, and other specifics. It won't be in C++, you'll still have to deal with it afterwards. There are a lot of things you don't need in MQL - pointers to memory, friendly functions, exceptions, etc. It will take a lot of time. It will take a lot of time, and without application you'll forget later anyway. I would advise to go in the opposite direction, first a Tutorial, then a book on C++ to understand many nuances.

I started reading the Tutorial in August 2010. At the end of October I already had my first program written which uses this principle. Before that I tried to read Kernighan's and Ritchie's C. I read a couple of chapters and then gave up. This is why MQL4 was my first programming language, and I had to reread it three times from the beginning, as I had a misunderstanding at some point. I remember that I had difficulties with chapters on functions, then arrays, etc.

The description of standard functions was also very well given, with examples, with diagrams. I didn't read them right away, but as the tasks came up, I parsed them. Half a year later I needed to deal with time, so I read it. Two years later the need to work with files arose, there was a lack of understanding of the documentation - what are handles and other unclear points, in the tutorial it was very well explained.

Once you have some knowledge, a couple of written indicators or Expert Advisors, you can start reading the MQL5 documentation from the very beginning and everything will become clear to you.

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

Kovalev's textbook is better. Written succinctly, concisely and to the point. The textbook explains the principles of ticks, bars, terminal, orders and other specifics. It won't be in C++, you'll still have to deal with it afterwards. There are a lot of things you don't need in MQL - pointers to memory, friendly functions, exceptions, etc. It will take a lot of time. It will take a lot of time, and without application you'll forget later anyway. I would advise to go in the opposite direction, first a Tutorial, then a book on C++ to understand many nuances.

I started reading the Tutorial in August 2010. At the end of October I already had my first program written which uses this principle. Before that I tried to read Kernighan's and Ritchie's C. I had read a couple of chapters, then forgot about it. This is why MQL4 was my first programming language, and I had to reread it three times from the beginning, as I had a misunderstanding at some point. I remember that I had difficulties with chapters on functions, then arrays, etc.

The description of standard functions was also very well given, with examples, with diagrams. I didn't read them right away, but as the tasks came up, I parsed them. Half a year later I needed to deal with time, so I read it. Two years later the need to work with the files, there was a misunderstanding of the documentation - what are handles and other unclear things, it was very well explained in the tutorial.

When you have some knowledge, a couple of written indicators and Expert Advisors, then you can start reading the MQL5 documentation from the beginning and everything will be clear.

Kovalev's book has been written for old MQL4, that was outdated before 2013. Reading it is more harmful than necessary.