Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1133

How do I replace the Sleep(500) function in the indicator?
How to replace Sleep(500) function in the indicator?

by nothing, unfortunately... You cannot stop the flow of the indicator.

Revise the logic of the indicator...

int OnInit()
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
void OnTick()
    int fileHandle=FileOpen("logg.txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_UNICODE); 
It only records one "eeee" while I need it to be completed with every tick. Where did I go wrong?
Основы тестирования в MetaTrader 5
Основы тестирования в MetaTrader 5
Идея автоматической торговли привлекательна тем, что торговый робот может без устали работать 24 часа в сутки и семь дней в неделю. Робот не знает усталости, сомнений и страха,  ему не ведомы психологические проблемы. Достаточно четко формализовать торговые правила и реализовать их в виде алгоритмов, и робот готов неустанно трудиться. Но прежде...
Folks, how do I add currency pairs to MT5? Only ruble pairs are available, others are not on the general list.
It only writes one "iii" while I need it to add a "iii" to each tick. Where did I go wrong?

Open the file in oninit, close it in deinit. That's how it works for me)))

It only records one "eeee" while I want it to be completed with every tick. Where did I go wrong?

Because the FILE_WRITE flag creates a NEW file each time it is opened. To be able to append something to existing file, it is necessary to open file for reading and writing.

Alexey Viktorov:

Because the FILE_WRITE flag creates a NEW file each time you open it. To be able to add something to an existing file, you must open the file for reading and writing.

Didn't notice, sorry....

I have a question. Somewhere the yuan to the dollar is traded, but it is either not present in MT5 or is only held by a broker for introductions and not for real trades.
Alexey Viktorov:

Because the FILE_WRITE flag creates a NEW file each time it is opened. To be able to add something to an existing file, you must open the file for reading and writing.

So, it should be FILE_SHARE_READ



Shared read access by multiple programs. This flag is used when opening files (FileOpen()), but does not replace the need to specify FILE_WRITE and/or FILE_READ when opening a file

It does not. And in general, it's better not to open and close the file on every tick

It allows shared reads, not shared reads
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileOpen
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileOpen
[in]  Имя открываемого файла, может содержать подпапки. Если файл открывается для записи, то указанные подпапки будут созданы в случае их отсутствия. [in]  значение, используемое в качестве разделителя в txt или csv-файле. Если для csv-файла разделитель не указан, то по умолчанию используется символ табуляции. Если для txt-файла разделитель не...