what is the right way to learn? - page 10

STARIJ: need to invert your opinion.
I join in! As the saying goes, tell me who your enemy is and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me what this leaker thinks of you and I'll tell you who you are

Now, about the STATISTICS

Maybe you haven't noticed... but the results of ALL the trades you've madeare stored "in the environment" in the form of of your deposit amount.

And it's the detailed quantitative information about them that constitutes that very STATISTICS.
And if you don't analyze this most important piece of information,... and don't draw the proper conclusions from it,... you are not operating at your full potential in the market.

The importance of statistical information is such that its use allows profitable trading INSTANTLY WITHOUT THE NATURE OF THE TRADING SOURCE. (and I showed it not so long ago here in one of the threads).

In general terms - the tail wags the dog ))))
That you can leak has long been clear from your aggressive tone. But three times a day!!! Is that a personal record or a statistical average? But why do you leak? Because you're using evil methods. And why are you using a flawed method? Because you think everything else is ridiculous! Consequently, your opinion is inverted. And in order to get a true assessment you have to invert your opinion.

A great example of "nothing" speech: a statement taken "from the ceiling"... and the "ceiling" conclusions built on it.

It's like a sandbox,... honestly

In generalities - the tail wags the dog ))))

No, no... Let's not make a big deal out of the generalities.

You've drawn such conclusions from these "generalities" that it's hard to believe .


No, no... Let's not make a big deal out of it.

You've drawn so many conclusions from these "generalities" that it's hard to believe...

So get to the specifics, colleague. What, how, where, with illustrations. But just words, words...


So get to the specifics, colleague. What, how, where, with illustrations. But just words, words...

There's no order.

If words don't make sense to you, give us any statistics you're interested in... ...and we'll go over it...

prikolnyjkent: give us any statistics on transactions you are interested in... ...and we'll "poke around"...
So you don't have your own stats on your trades? So, to drain should also give you stats
prikolnyjkent And my nickname obliges me ...
Choosing a ridiculous nickname and becoming its slave is a statistic...
So you don't have your own stats for your trades? So, to drain should also give you statistics.

You CANNOT sell on forex (!!!).

It takes SPECIAL effort (which is apparently what people who ignore working with statistics get).

Once again, I suggest: whoever is willing, get the stats in the studio... And let's talk business

prikolnyjkent: and I showed it not too long ago here in one of the threads
Showing is not enough - you have to prove it with graphs and other statistics. Do your statistics fit, are there any? Or is it just a joke?!!!