what is the right way to learn?

Hi all! I am very new to forex. Can you tell me the right way to learn and what to learn?
Everything needs a systematic approach and a leisurely approach. It is better to read it twice in order to understand it than to not know what is going on and what to do. The best way to learn something systematically is to get help from a tutor or enroll on a course. There is a good Forex school - http://fx-newwave.com/. They have very good teachers who offer you education at a reasonable price. Try enrolling with them and it will be a great start to your studies.
Indeed, it is best to start your training with a course and then it is up to you!
Indeed, it is better to start your training with a course and then it's up to you!
The only question that remains to be answered is: if the "mentor" is such an expert in trading, then why the hell is he messing around with all sorts of "junk" instead of spending his millions in Hawaii...?
Indeed, it is better to start your training with a course and then it's up to you!
And then there are more courses. The main thing is not to trade. This is the only way to protect yourself from losing money.
The only question left to answer is: if the "mentor" is such an expert in the trade, why the fuck is he messing around with all sorts of "hustlers" instead of spending his millions in Hawaii...?

Hawaii ain't rubber.

Hawaii is not rubber.

Hawaii is not a rubber band.
So there aren't many Mentors either.
There aren't that many tutors.

No way...

I don't know about you, but I cannot open every page of my browser without an offer to teach me the secrets of profitable trading on all kinds of courses and academies.


No way...

I don't know about you, but not a single page of my browser opens without an offer to teach me the secrets of profitable trading on all kinds of courses and academies

the first three signed up on the same day. notice that? that's what's weird
Learning is the right thing to do. Ready to spend 5 years of full-time training? Then go for forex.