what is the right way to learn? - page 2

Learning is the right thing to do. Ready to spend 5 years of full-time training? Then go for forex.

Are you writing from Hawaii?

You have to choose a specialisation before you can study. There are many of them here.

1. 10% are Sluggers - they have delusions of grandeur = inflated self-esteem. I want it all now. I am just waiting for the money on a silver platter.

2. 70% are the Afflicted = ex-Slitters. They've got a bit of a notion that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Type forex scam into a search engine. You'll see a bunch of pages. On them, all sorts of cursing about forex and ... offer training!!! The total number of the plunderers of the real and former 80%.

3. 5% are coders. They have been in Forex for three months, they have read something about MQLs and believe they are going to write a program that gives them 15-20% a month. They ask for help.

4. ... The remaining 15% is the 3 most offensive categories. To one of them.... I'll shut up about the rest.

Learning, totally off-topic for this forum. Usually here they ask for an Owl giving at least 10% a month. And of course they do. 100% or 50 no one will give. This is their own-secret, and the 10 is as dirty as dirt. Any beginning coder in the third month of training writes them. So, learn MQL, and you will get your money back.
You can and should make money on forex.
You can and should make money on forex.
I think it is the right thing to do. The main thing is to treat it as a job.
I think it is the right thing to do. The main thing is to treat it as a job.
Right. Sinking dough is a job, too.
That's right. Siphoning off dough is a job, too.

Especially when it's not your own, eh?


Especially when it's not your own, eh?

When it's not your own, it's a promising job.

3. 5% are coders.

Students, in freelax!!!!!
Students, in freelax!!!!!

What's stopping you from using trading signals?