Goodbye robot - hello marasmus - page 13

Just wondering (I use the old code, it works): what are the fundamental things?
Just off the top of my head unicode and object order -- that's not thinking at all. probably not all
Just off the top of my head unicode and object order - that's not thinking at all


String format in a string array;

bar structure.

This is the 11th month now, as I've been adapting my C++ codes to the new MQL4. Thanks to Metaquotes! :-)) Now I have a super cool library of class templates in C++ for history :-)



String format in a string array;

bar structure.

This is the 11th month now, as I've been adapting my C++ codes to the new MQL4. Thanks to Metaquotes! :-)) Now I have a super cool library of class templates in C++ for working with history.

About the bar structure I don't get it.
About the structure of the bar I didn't understand.
There are two new members there. The data type of the structure members has changed.
I don't understand: are two new penises bothering you?
Where is this conclusion coming from? If summer happened yesterday, there's no way it can get in the way.

Deeply respected gentlemen who declare themselves programmers.

If your programs fail, it means that you have done something wrong, or that you have not learned something.

Yeah, we'll take your pithy instructions into account.
Yeah, we'll take your pithy instructions into account.

Appreciate it.

Perhaps a master class?




There is no need to quarrel. My remark was not to programmers, which you are, but to those who, instead of correcting their own errors or inconsistencies in their code, and sometimes someone else's decompiled, rant and rave on the forum with curses of innovations. And those who compile the same shit code of other people's functions code in freelance agency for 20-30 money.

I had a problem yesterday with increased trade threads, should I shout to get one trade thread back too???