MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 53


JJerboa18.11.2013 22:02

build 544 "terminal/account history/(pkm)save as detailed report" - does not open in the browser.

Is the file saved at the location you selected or do you not even have a save dialog open?

Where is the terminal installed, with what permissions do you run it, in what mode, what operating system?

Just in 509 everything works without errors, if you don't want to understand it, just say so...
If you don't want to show the rest of the code (how you form the opening price of the order), just say so
I closed this application and created a new application #888580, there the errors with the new version 544 were added. The source material is also included

Is the file saved to the location you selected, or do you not even have the save dialog open?

Where is the terminal installed, what rights do you run it with, what mode do you run it in, what OS is it?

File is not saved.
Installed on top of old terminal folder, run with admin rights, normal mode (not portable), win7x64 max.

...I must have really messed something up - installed/reinstalled, stupidly deleted a lot of my code, etc. :)


My operating system is Windows 7x64 Ultimate (basically it does not matter what type of OS it is, I can run it on Starter), UAC is enabled, MT4 build 544 (I've been testing in the same way since 532, at 529 there were some glitches). I tried to use MT4 as a user with admin rights (not as the superuser administrator). Run terminal and editor from icons on desktop in normal way, without "Run as admin" and without /portable. Everything works, the only thing that got inconvenient:

- I had to open hidden files and folders to monitor the update process just in case

- The only inconvenience was to fill in files of Expert Advisors, scripts, indicators, etc. Before I did everything with one click on an icon, opened the program layout and worked, now added the manipulation, in time I will create an icon of the user directory location on the desktop - have to make do with it

All other things are tolerable, may be I have already got used to the idea that there will not be another way or I will need to switch to another terminals and it is harder to manage - most dealers with acceptable conditions work on MT4. I think the developers should have given some recommendations about how to work with the new structure of MT4 directories, because many developers are not familiar with it, hence the lack of understanding. And many people run terminal and editor also as administrator and sometimes with /portable mode, which is unnecessary in the context where everything was shoved into X:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\276278313298943519837030BB38AFE2


To the developers of

When will TerminalInfoString and everything in the TerminalInfo group be implemented?


To the developers of

When will TerminalInfoString and everything in the TerminalInfo group be implemented?

Coming soon

All the rest seems to be bearable, I guess I have already got used to the idea that there will not be another way or I will have to switch to another terminals, and it is more difficult here - most trading centers with acceptable conditions work on MT4. I think the developers should have given some recommendations about how to work with the new structure of MT4 directories, because many developers are not familiar with it, hence the lack of understanding. And many people run terminal and editor also as administrator and sometimes with /portable mode, which is unnecessary in the context where everything was shoved into X:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\276278313298943519837030BB38AFE2

I don't understand Metakvot's desire to downgrade the security of user data.

Why put everyone in the same system folder? Let everyone decide where to store their data.

I don't store anything in the system directories. Only the system is on the "C" drive. Programs and data are on other drives.

Now it is very easy to steal or corrupt user data. There is no need to search for them anymore.

Well there is nothing we can do about it, Metakvot do everything according to their own plan without listening to anyone :) So it's either a matter of accepting and adapting, or switching to another platform.
What prevents you from operating in /portable mode, especially if you don't keep anything on the system drive?
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