What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 8


I am looking towards VSA, for now on demo, I need price and exchange volume on history, at least for a few years.
I know there are quite a lot of VSA traders who use other platforms like ThinkOrSwim for real volumes and trade on MT4, but would be grateful to MQ if real volumes appeared in MT4, free as in TOS.
By the way, why don't you post a strategy description for your indicator? - I don't know how the indicator works, but how to trade on it and how profitable it is is questionable.
PS It would probably be better to continue in your thread.
You could have just left MT5 with the order system from MT4 in addition to the positions, and left History Center untouched - and MT5 would have just taken off and made Mega Profits for MetaQuotes :)

Of course, I wish things had been different four years ago. But this seems fine, too.

What MetaQuotes did not want to do at the request of users, it will now do under the pressure of capitalism.

We will work only on MT4.

MetaTrader 4 Forever!!!


Speaking of profits.

The trader market of both platforms is 7 million people and EA/indicator developers can earn very serious money. Register as a seller at MQL5.com, fill in your developments in Market at the release of beta-test and set a price. And then, "sit back..." - your applications will be delivered directly to terminals of traders, where they can be instantly purchased.

You can learn how it works for MetaTrader 5 here, here and here.

You could have just left MT5 with the order system from MT4 in addition to the positions, and left History Center untouched - and MT5 would have just taken off and made Mega Profits for MetaQuotes :)

You are wrong for many reasons. Your suggestion would not have taken off.


Dear Renat!

Due to certain circumstances, I have great respect for the activities of Metakvot.

As it seems to me below, the following constructive criticism, if accepted, can fundamentally improve the position of Metakvot in the world market.

Of course, the changes you propose will allow you to market your product more intensively. But these changes to converge 4 to 5, like the development of 5 itself, do not carry qualitative changes to your company's product, nor are they aimed at attracting qualitatively different consumers, of which there are many times more than the current ones.

Criticism from a former professional institutional trader and now a professional private trader.

Like any market product, the trading terminal has its consumer, which I will divide into two categories: a trader and a broker.

I will divide traders into two quantitatively different categories in terms of money and numbers. Professional: basic money, quantitatively just over 1000 on the MICEX. Non-professional: funny money and around 200,000 people on the MICEX. This does not include the forex market.

Both categories of traders are not interested in everything that is discussed here, because it is obvious that the improvement of the algorithmic component of the trading terminal (languages) has very little effect on the success of trading. Professional traders have the opportunity to use professional programming languages in the hands of professional programmers. And non-professional traders do not understand or need many of your improvements. Usually the trader, programming TS by himself, accumulates a certain set of templates, and then uses it for years, because the main problems are not algorithmic, but others.

You, Renat, are constantly discussing the terminal mainly with a very narrow circle of people - programmers, who, strictly speaking as such, are not consumers of your product. Therefore, your tool for solving the trader's basic problem of "poses" is not discussed.

If we look at the terminal from a trader's point of view, then to solve the trader's main problem "entering - leaving a position", there are no fundamental new suggestions from Metakvot for many years. Still the same TA, set of indicators.....

So the circle of your clients is 99% non-professional traders and a few hundred programmers possibly trading in the market.

But there are many thousands of professional institutional and millions of professional private traders in the world. Their number is constantly growing and they are regularly graduated from universities, even in Russia. They are traders who know mathematical statistics (econometrics) and also algorithmic languages.


A qualitatively new product may be obtained as follows.

I do not discuss the brokerage part of the terminal.

1. You may develop a full superficial analogue of the existing terminal using R. R is distributed free of charge, it is supported, has many localizations, has a great number of publications, textbooks, conferences ....... And most importantly, it has millions of users. As the result we will have three seemingly identical terminals.

2. Make the code of this terminal open, closing the module of interaction with the broker. In R it is very easy to do, as a C program may simply be a part of R and completely hidden from the user.

3. the terminal, being a library - package, in R terminology, is one of thousands of R packages, as a result of which:

a) possibility to use very advanced algorithmic language of R (more advanced than MQL5 in my opinion, but it doesn't matter).

b) we get a completely natural access to a huge number of libraries for trader's tools, including those on time series, econometrics, finance, general mathematics.

c) Access to databases, other software systems (like Matlab), free use of C in R code, parallel computing, build testing based on bootstrap and resampling, debugging, ready-made code editors ..... It is impossible to list everything.

d) open source code will allow for those wishing to use the rich graphics facilities of R.

4. We get free and constant advertising of the Metakvot product among millions of R users. Especially consider the rapid growth of R's popularity and its use as a standard in trading. Now I am not aware of the proposed terminal. Should I write my proposed terminal, Metacquotes could claim its terminal as a standard. Especially when you consider the existing and fairly widely used MT4 and MT5 terminals.

In the end Metakvots gets a new market with free worldwide advertising. A qualitatively new sales market. Including professional brokers. I concede that paid applications could be developed as add-ons to such a free terminal.



1. as the main problems are not algorithmic, but other.

2. it becomes possible to use a very advanced algorithmic language R
1. contradicts 2. )
1 contradict 2. )

A significant advantage of MT4 compared to QuickBooks, for example, is the presence of an algorithmic language. But the problems should be streamlined: first the trader's tools and then, but necessarily, the algorithmic language. Here it is a ready and well tested one. There is no need to write a new MQL.

That's what I meant.

Read the whole thread .... I'm in deep shock. !!! Finally we are being heard !!!
And please add a multi-currency tester, very, very much needed! (not found in the announcement, but hundreds of thousands of traders crave it!)