Demonstration trading from Dr.F. - page 13


the Putumeds ... decided to spend $750 billion (23 trillion roubles) on weapons rather than their own pockets?

Ahh-ha-ha, you make me laugh. Not in your pocket, yep (on arming the pixies with inflatable fighter jets, apparently).

Learn Chinese, you'll make them wunderwaffles - they'll go down just like ours.

Good discussion on the trade...
Dr.F.: in short, a racket - producing nothing (c )

yep, traders are at the top of that list - money out of thin air )))
Dr.F.: [...] and other Lao people. I don't see anything wrong with the latter.
And I don't see anything wrong with deleting a comment sowing ethnic discord. You have been warned.
Dr.F.: It's one thing to parasitize your own country, it's another thing to parasitize the world.
Double standard ))
Ban the topicstarter for a day. I don't care about the difference between citizenship and nationality as long as it offends other groups of people.

Just saw this: it turns out that the banned user is now completely out of touch (the link to him doesn't work), without any comments.

Is this a bug, or a feature?

tara: Is this a bug or a feature?
Don't know, haven't found out. But the profile is still available - you just can't access it via the name link.

Mathemat(alexei) take the ban off, let dr. say why the account became unprofitable!!!

excuses to ban on the forum are not accepted

ruslanchik: Mathemat(alexei) take the ban off, let dr. say why the account became unprofitable!!!
What ban, what are you talking about? It has already been automatically removed.