High-frequency scalping, solutions to entry and exit problems - page 17

I applied to KROUF with screenshots and sitemans, I will wait for the result, and if it is allowed, I will publish all the information here, so traders would have experience in dealing with brokers who allow such actions
Discussion is forbidden by rule, but you can write to me and ask for results, as well as on skype

Yeah, I can imagine... You're ahead on the news, you're in the black, and then bam! All profitable trades are cancelled because they were allegedly not based on market quotes and the trader still owes more than his deposit))))

This is tough, of course... By the way, there is no such thing as a "non-market quote" in USN accounts.

here is a link to the CRUF discussion http://www.kroufr.ru/forum/index.php/topic,21001.0.html
Have you looked at similar claims on the CRUFMR to see how they ended up ? Take a look...
I filled in on it as well
I will go to the prosecutor's office tomorrow to file a complaint,
Guys we are breaking forum rules, discussion of finance is banned, I gave a link to the site where we will discuss, here only the strategy or I will be banned
I will go to the prosecutor's office tomorrow to file a complaint,

If you need help with the text, feel free to contact me. I have experience of correspondence with state authorities. Be sure to refer to the norms of the law in the application, otherwise you will get a runaround.

Also, you can go to the OPEP. The CRUFD has been bought.

I will go to the prosecutor's office tomorrow to file a complaint,
Both the prosecutor's office and the courts can also be bought with good money. There is even an unspoken price scale for closing cases.