Absolute courses - page 19


The legendary Yusufkhoja stayed on the forum for 2 years with the mask about (18) only because he could do what not everyone can do: honestly write - yes, in this and that I was wrong, let's correct mistakes and move on / of course, (18) did not become better, but it created the appearance of scientific progress /. Taki K.T., yes, plus the idea is noble.

There is no getting away from it, you know, such is the peculiarity of the Internet communication. no one knows who is talking to you Ktn or professor or failed student, all this is covered and the human desire to be superior. Also, no one knows who and what they have in the form of developments in the forefront, who has dug and double-checked, and you know, it is too expensive to take your word for it. They have been studying it for years and they are still studying it, but they have not found it. Besides, if someone finds and writes about it, it doesn't mean that he describes correctly what he finds under euphoria, maybe he describes not the reasons that led to the result, but the idea is not worse, just not the right way to do it. I am amazed at people who are happy to show off their knowledge on unequal opponents. But for some reason when you confront them with no less colorful characters on this forum, for some reason in the face of an equal opponent such nastiness is not allowed. The example was with the opponents and supporters of the idea of the possibility of making money on the SB......there and you are rehashing old theories....during a slap in the face and attacking . I personally, he does not bother me, I am happy to watch what is going on, he is gone now. You are not asking for money, why the aggression, if you don't like it, don't read it or take it as a joke if it is funny to you. You don't like it, don't read it, or take it as a joke if it's funny to you. You, too, once were a beginner, it seemed to you that your first thoughts are global and promising, the experience is built up, and it is different for everyone. And there are so many people around who want to put sticks in your wheels.
Not the fact that he correctly describes the euphoria, maybe he describes the wrong reasons that led to a particular result, but the idea is not worse, just the presentation is not right.

The fact is, under the influence of substances, it is better not to try to make scientific discoveries at all. But if you do, you should write it down, sleep it off, and only then, if you're desperate to share it with the world, check it out and put it in the public domain. If you don't, you will be ridiculed. That's the way the scientific community is set up, which we look up to here), and for good reason: it's this fact that keeps it from descending into dull shit.

The author did vice versa: said that he discovered a grail, but actually forgot to check his idea. The result is a little predictable.

You see, you're already being rude.... like in the fairy tale, fear not the one who says the wrong thing, but the one who thinks the wrong thing. He has not disappeared yet. He does not look like a man who has not verified the truth, and no one has signed up to supply you with grenades, and you have not been seen in this. I think the discussion will continue. I still don't understand why he's such a pain in the ass that you can't even sit down.... What the hell is a scientific discovery, that's all you're saying, he didn't invent the colahedron. Let me ask you, if you are so bothered by claims of pseudoscientific discoveries, why are you favourable to some and not to others. Here there is a handful of people with much more defiant statements, you didn't go to them in branches and didn't fludo-spam with the indignations, you didn't have enough science to do so.
Still don't understand why
Because it's primarily about drawing attention to yourself. It's annoying even in people who end up delivering something good, let alone just trolls. We'll see how the case ends.
There are a handful of people here with much more defiant statements, you haven't gone to their threads and spammed them with your outrage, aren't you scientific enough to do so.

There's not enough power to chit-chat, there are other paladins out there.

It is my sacred duty to protect humanity from the threat of having their minds taken over by all kinds of witnesses and false prophets.

ZZY This is a joke, of course. I'm just practicing my casuistry, it's good for keeping in shape. Plus it's yum!

Yes, because he is primarily concerned with drawing attention to himself. It's annoying even in people who end up delivering something good, let alone just trolls. We'll see how the case ends.

What do you think this case is going to end with? - The usual fake...

What do you think this case is going to end in? - The usual fake...

I suddenly wondered, when the English say "I admit to being an ass", do they mean "ass" or "ass"?

I suddenly wondered, when the English say 'ass' do they mean 'ass' or 'ass'?

According to googletranslate they do:

Donkey and ass are on the same level... So - wordplay ;)

A man wasting his time - ..............
A man who wastes time - ..............

A man who gives his time (consciously) to a time waster-...................