Market formula. - page 3


If we imagine forex as a system consisting of the following actors

1) on one side - central banks (with their national and transnational interests);

2) On the other side, currency speculators.

Then, in theory, forex should be a system resistant to the influence of the 2nd group of participants, at least in the short term. I.e., if at some point in time there are a lot of speculators willing to buy a certain currency, this should prevent this currency from increasing or even cause it to decrease. Correspondingly, the converse is also true: if speculators are mostly willing to sell a currency, it should either prevent it from going down or cause it to go up.

For some time I tried to trade with this view of forex. My decisions were based on the information about volumes of pending orders (on Oande), but I gave up doing it, because the information is not online, but hourly. But it is very tiresome to look through 15 charts to make a conclusion about the 1st pair. Besides, it takes time, and then you have to wait another hour. In short, you get tired, nervous, make mistakes, and you cannot recognize your error in time :)


If the story had unfolded differently. Remember the movie "Back to the Future"? Man would have created something similar to what we see/trade now anyway.

How would these "parallel" markets be different, what would they have in common?

Guys, let's get to the point, as the lawyers say. Cause it's past my bedtime. Where's the formula? Just don't post Fourier's row, okay.



And so on...

Guys, let's get to the point, as the lawyers say. It's past my bedtime. Where's the formula? Just don't post Fourier's series, okay.


That is the whole formula.

Everything else is patterns and correlations.

Let's say there is a formula. But it doesn't necessarily follow from its existence that you could make a lot of money quickly. I, for example, have one of the models that describes a perpetually unchanging property of the market, but you can make a profit on it, comparable to bank interest. Such is the irony of fate. Of course you can say that we need a better formula that describes the market better :) I think if it was found by many participants, the market could change.
Let's say there is a formula. But it doesn't necessarily follow from its existence that you could make a lot of money quickly. I, for example, have one of the models that describes a perpetually unchanging property of the market, but you can make a profit on it, comparable to bank interest. Such is the irony of fate. Of course you can say that we need a better formula that describes the market better :) I think if it was found by many participants, the market could change.

is it the only one or are there many?

is she the only one or are there many?
The point may be the answer, but it may also be the question.


That is the whole formula.

Everything else is patterns and correlations.

There should also be formulas by which this equality is realised.

There must also be formulas by which this equality is achieved.

I think the equation should be something like this - EURGBP=EURUSD=GBPUSD.

is it the only one or are there many variants?

If it is 100% descriptive of price movements, it must be one. But, it can be written in an infinite number of variants.

If it describes price movements by less than 100%, there could be many.