Market formula.


Market formula - what is it?

What is it for?

How to profit from awareness of it?

Suppose there is such a formula and it can be used to reproduce countless "parallel" price series, which are endowed with the characteristic of operating ones, what profit and from where were you going to extract?

Yusuf found this formula (18)
Yusuf found this formula (18)

So did I: =If(SLCHIS()<0.5; "down"; "up") :-)))
Yusuf found this formula (18)

This is his subjective view of the earning process, I am about generating prototypes of existing price series of financial instruments, i.e. "parallel realities", which are based on the same mathematical formula.

Suppose it was found, what next?


Market formula - what is it?

What is it for?

How to profit from awareness of it?

Suppose there is such a formula and it can be used to reproduce countless "parallel" price series, which are endowed with the characteristic of operating ones, what profit and from where were you going to extract?

Shame on you. Does the venerable Yusufhodja rest in your laurels? Hands off 18
Price formula:
Price = Previous price + Random size and sign increment

This is his subjective view of the earning process, I am about generating prototypes of existing price series of financial instruments based on a single mathematical formula.

Assuming it is found, what next?

Next we have to generate simplex-independent unimodal prototypes.

According to the formula.

Price formula:
Price = Previous price + Random size and sign increment

it's not a question of defining it, it's a question of how to make a profit out of it.

For the query 'market formula', Yandex gave this:


The query "market formula" gave Yandex this:

while you have a blank, this is what my Yandex found:

The most persistent begin a frantic search for the magic strategy that will enable them to make huge sums of money. They seek what many call the Holy Grail. They are convinced that there is a secret market formula, known only to a small number of "initiates" who can get rich quick.

Let's suppose there really is.


While you have a void, this is what my Yandex found:

The most persistent begin a frantic search for a magic strategy that will allow them to make huge amounts of money. They seek what many call the Holy Grail. They are convinced that there is a secret market formula, known only to a small number of "insiders" who can get rich quick.

Suppose there really is.

It is not a market formula, it is a formula for getting rich.

It has been known for a long time and sounds like this: "Buy cheap, sell dear". The inverse formula also works: "Sell expensive, buy cheap".

Paukas didn't have time to buy cheap, so he amended: "Buy expensive, sell even more expensive". How often he manages to sell more expensive what is already expensive is unknown to science, but he himself is willing to talk about it for 100 quid.