FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 192

Professor, explain the situation. Why are we going back and forth?
Where's everybody gone?
So... are we going upstairs or not?
grieving...will there be a U-turn.... you guys tell me
and everyone is staring at the monitor waiting for someone to say, "Yeah, sure, we're going to 1.34" :)
It'll go up, don't you worry.
Tell me better, what's wrong with the Aussie? The bastard has already redrawn the signals on the 4 o'clock charts.
It'll go up, don't you worry.
Penders are scary stuff....
Penders are scary stuff....

what a thing...

The Chicago Fed President Evans speech, as I understand it, was not to everyone's liking... All right, get the euromoney while it's still cheap!

Hi EVRA!!!!