FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 273


I've traded with them and not bad)))) God knows what he's got there... it's not easy to find his brain in the goo )))) maybe he'll come up with something)))

yesterday it looks like he jinxed it... everything was going so well... and the thread was getting back on track... and then bam)))) it's time to look for a new hostel)))

What if I'd doubled... tripled it? What would you have written?
I think I've always written back when I've had good advice. Good luck to the EMOTREAD, hold on to the hose tighter baby, because EMOTREADers love red roosters like pilots love aeroplanes. HA-HA-HA!!!

seemed to have jinxed it yesterday ... everything was going so well ... and the thread was getting back on track ... and then bam)))) it's time to look for a new shelter)))

where else would a place like this be? don't quit now)))
It seems like whenever I've been given good advice, I've always said so. Good Luck to EMOTHERHERLAND, hold on to the hose tighter baby, because the EMERCOM roosters love redheads like pilots love aeroplanes. HA-HA-HA!!!

understand one thing - we are not friends here, we are all rivals in the market... you'll get it from here - it's a bummer to write...

So apologise to the members of the thread... it's the right thing to do...

It's like when I've been given smart advice, I've always written it back. And EMOTHERTHENTRAID good luck, hold on to the hose tighter baby, because the EMERGENCY people love red roosters like pilots love aeroplanes. HA-HA-HA!!!
How do you know - maybe she's a much better trader than you. And on her own TS, not someone else's signals. She found her way. Good luck, Emo. And I'd advise you to start studying psychology. Something like that.

Understand one thing - we are not friends here, we are all rivals in the market... You'll figure it out on your own - I can't pee...

In short, apologise to the members of the thread... it's the right thing to do...

Respect to the individuals. Forgive those who owe me.

Well, at least we're getting some action! )))) Learn psychology on your own.

It's like when I've been given smart advice, I've always written it back. And EMOTHERTHENTRAID good luck, hold on to the hose tighter baby, because the EMERGENCY people love red roosters like pilots love aeroplanes. HA-HA-HA!!!

you made that joke yourself and laughed at )))) change your nickname, you'll stay a Goose forever and nothing will help you))) go to a branch and there is a dialogue -- how did you get laid yesterday? -like a cunt sucking a dick, that's a bummer... ))))

you made a joke and laughed yourself )))) change your nickname, you'll be a Goose forever and nothing will help you))) go to a thread and there's a dialogue -- how did you get laid yesterday? -like a cunt sucking a dick, that's a bummer... ))))
I'm glad to be in your and maybe someone else's painful memory forever. Ha-ha!!!

but the boys and girls mentioned the budget cliff in vain )))


Individuals are to be commended. Forgive those who owe me!

Well, at least we're getting some action! )))) And learn psychology yourself - HOW TO!

I'm laughing... I don't need to teach her... i'll tell you, it's not the last depo you've lost...

Stop making trouble... and get the fuck out of here... I'm sick of reading this bullshit... good luck...