FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 256


BERLIN, September 25. /Dow Jones/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi held talks in Berlin to discuss the creation of an independent European banking supervisor and preparations for the next EU summit.

The European Commission has proposed that the new supervisory body would regulate more than 6,000 European banks, but Germany wants the ECB to oversee only the largest international banks, which are considered the most important in keeping the European financial system running smoothly.

>German government statement does not give details of talks between Merkel and Draghi


BERLIN, September 25. /Dow Jones/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi held talks in Berlin to discuss the creation of an independent European banking supervisor and preparations for the next EU summit.

The European Commission has proposed that the new supervisory body would regulate more than 6,000 European banks, but Germany wants the ECB to oversee only the largest international banks, which are considered the most important in terms of keeping the European financial system running smoothly.

>German government statement does not give details of talks between Merkel and Draghi

What this will achieve in real terms is unclear...but it's a done deal...


what this will do in real life, I don't know...but it's ticked off...


BRUSSELS, September 25th. /Dow Jones/. After Germany expressed its support for the idea, eurozone governments began discussing the creation of a single currency union budget. The measure could help iron out some of the major economic divergences in the region, European officials said.

>The eurozone single budget talks were a step towards a limited "fiscal union" after the current economic crisis exposed the fatal flaws associated with the creation of a single European currency. The deep recession that gripped countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland after the 2008 financial crisis exposed the existing flaws. Stronger economies, such as Germany, have recovered much faster.

> So far, much of the discussion on fiscal union has focused on issuing common eurozone debt, but the initiative has met with fierce protest from Berlin. In addition, such a measure would be contrary to the central provisions of the EU agreements.

>Partly because of these disagreements, the debate has now shifted to a eurozone common budget, which could be financed through national taxes such as corporate income tax or value-added tax, some of which would be redirected to Brussels, European officials say, instead of issuing a single bond.

American economics professor Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the 2008 financial crisis, said the euro zone will collapse in six months at the most. According to him, the situation in Greece will not improve as the government of this country will collapse in the next six months. However, the main problem is not in this country. He believes that Italy and Spain will lose access to capital markets in 3-6 months.

"Without Portugal or Cyprus, the euro can still get by. But not without Italy or Spain. Of course, Germany could remain, along with Austria, Finland or the Netherlands. Although the core will continue to exist, this would mean the collapse of the euro zone. The probability of such an outcome in the next 3-5 years is almost 50%," said Roubini.

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cool ))))

shortshot for a short while...

Yeah ... I was asking everyone where and when to come and preferably up to the minute )))) then one of you told me to make a TS and follow the rules anyway no one knows anything )))

ta ta...

> Partly because of these disagreements, the debate has now shifted to a common eurozone budget that could be financed by national taxes such as corporate income tax or value-added tax, some of which would be redirected to Brussels, European officials say, instead of issuing a single bond.

We need to develop production and so on... And they are all about the extortions))))

The rich are already pouring out of France )))) Hollande has drawn the line - he kept his election promise ))) tinny...

How about an analysis without a predilection for the rise of the Eura?:)

Are you guys kidding me? What the hell are biases, it's the bare facts that you never get)

We need to develop production and so on... and they are still thinking about bribes))))

the rich are already pouring out of France )))) Hollande has shown his face - he kept his election promise )))) harsh...

Reuters reporters recreated the picture from when Mario Draghi said he would "do everything possible to save the euro," which surprised not only markets but also his colleagues before Draghi announced on September 6 that the central bank was ready for "unlimited" purchases of bonds of troubled eurozone countries. All this time - from July to September - Draghi was playing a dangerous game: he had to engage in convincing the other members of the ECB's Governing Council, which he managed to do with one exception: the German central bank governor Jens Weidmann never agreed to such a move. The Bundesbank tried very hard to discredit Draghi and his plan. Nevertheless, the Italian banker received support from Germany, but from an unexpected side - from Chancellor Angela Merkel, who expressed her full consent to his position. The fact is that Merkel could not allow the eurozone to collapse under her leadership and Draghi was offering a bailout. The drama culminated with the emergence of rumours of Weidmann's desire to resign. In the end, the Bundesbank's uncompromising stance was nevertheless reflected in the tough terms of the sovereign debt buy-back programme. At the same time, although Draghi has won, it is still unclear exactly how the bond buyback will take place in practice.

Yup... I was asking everyone where and when to come, preferably right down to the minute )))) then one of you told me to do the TS and follow the rules anyway no one knows anything ))))

I'm kidding!))

you learned the most important lesson ... well done!