Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 450

@transcendreamer stop talking to yourself, okay in a secret sect of grail seekers, but this is a public place...
Renat Akhtyamov:

it depends on what to do with the majors

I don't care if you take your trousers off and run,
If you end up selling or buying a pair (in this case), you either sell or you fill up, minus the spread of course, the rest is a waste of time.

Aleksandr Volotko:
@transcendreamer stop talking to yourself, okay in a secret sect of grail seekers, but here a public place...

In the higher trading sphere such conventions as social and personal identity disappear and everything becomes a single metaphysical discourse, for the Grail is beyond the normal state of consciousness, attitudinal grounds for this can be found in the insights of conscious dreams, where all prophets of the past and future endlessly draw pictures of the dough, the true Grail, while they themselves have been in the Quiet House, Truly I tell you: he who knows the mystery of cocoon and poker and something called genuine SRTR and UDT, he who applies even traditional tehanalysis will never go to the factory.

And what would you say about the indicator that accurately shows the end of a trend, a trend reversal and the start of a new trend?)) And if the trend breaks there is a nice stripe behind which it is very kosher to put stops and which the price does not just touch and around which it flies?

The existence of such a method and its disclosure would challenge the entire current state of the world, perhaps not worth disclosing because the economy itself would collapse because no one would continue to work for a wage every day.

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, it is impossible to give specific characteristics of such a trigger line from the description, we can only assume that it refers to the so-called half-plane law, known in narrow circles of traders, or to a trend cut-off, about which we cannot talk.

Aleksandr Volotko:
@transcendreamer stop talking to yourself, okay in a secret sect of grail seekers, but this is a public place...

The worst thing is for those who have been in the cult and have left or been expelled, they will be cursed and there will be no profits.

To get the profits back, you have to go back into the cult, those are the rules.

Aleksandr Volotko:

I don't care if you take your trousers off and run,
if you end up selling or buying a pair (in this case) you'll either sell or get paid, minus the spread of course, the rest is just for show.

If we proceed from the assumption that any TS is a filter on SB then of course the sequence of deals (their sum) tends to nothing, has infinite variance and other nasty properties, but if the TS is based on sound grounds, then everything is decided by the mu/sigma ratio, which unfortunately is always not in favour of mu, and practically always have to wait some statistically calculated time for any trader to lose, and only at a certain mu/sigma ratio we can be relatively sure that in the long term the plant is not stormy

If I use for example pams and signals it will be very interesting to know that the law of arcinus kind of helps to last longer if the account start was successful, this magic works automatically, you just need not to be too crazy with volumes, and maybe even decrease them as the Reverend Joker did, and although in general even if mu/sigma guarantee a loss, you can earn from subscription, although it is very ugly towards subscribers.

All right, all right, everyone will be cured, don't worry.
If you start posting pictures of factories here too, you'll do it...
Indeed, it is true that a statistical cocoon cannot be a source of profit in itself, for it is only an appearance as an average number in the sports lottery is an appearance, which has no predictive value, but there are conditions stronger than standard statistics and based on the property of the preferential return and having a model linking the parameters of price speed and position, a useful boundary within which the instrument will be most of the time, but it is not even so much a confidence interval
Aleksandr Volotko:
All right, all right, everyone will be cured, don't worry.

They don't treat them anymore, you know that..... I'm writing from the chief doctor's computer before the orderlies come...


There's no cure, you know that, ..... I'm writing from the chief physician's computer before the orderlies come...

I hope you won't be in there long and they'll let you out, because I'll be showing dough soon, and you might miss all the fun, tied up in your arms and legs.