Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 457

Aleksandr Volotko:

Do you think I'll make 100% profit today?

Maybe, I hope so! However, not today, but on Tuesday, because there are no stars today


so for example this fragment here says that the hat is a quasi-sculptor while the kitty has its inversion...

The rabbit in the hat is almost a kitty, but the ears are longer )))


Maybe, I hope so! But not today, but rather Tuesday, because there are no stars today.

Too late, don't get your hopes up. It is.


A brief history of Bablokos from an unknown chronicler:

If ancient Hellenes and Romans were allowed to extol their godless rulers and hand down their vile deeds for their edification, shall we Moneybombers, who received light from the prophets, be less worthy and grateful in this case?

The Age of . Historical Content Conclusions and results
The first advent of the prophet Nicola The Prophet Nikola, having come to the forum, called out to the people and taking upon himself the grievous mission of the Messiah, testified of the mathematical grail, and from this time on no one slept or ate, no one went to work, only the Holy Grail was sought, and in this time mathematical science began to be studied, and this was in the year 2012 of the Birth of Christ, the month of reapers, the fifth day. This event started a whole chain of extravagant events, now known as the Story of One Bablokos. All is fading.
The Age of Combinatorics. This period includes the analysis of the legendary one thousand percent magic stat and the era of combinatorics (which turned out not to be true in the end, because the probability of a profit on a price derivative is not equivalent to the actual profit triggering event). All is futile
Intertemporal This difficult era was filled with infighting, despair and turmoil. All is fading
The first coming of the Prophet Joker It was first thought that the Joker was an incarnation of the Prophet Nikola, but it turns out that he was most likely not. The Joker unveiled the secrets of Bablocos portfolio and introduced the fundamental concepts of "Function" and "Superposition", including the decipherment of the legendary Joker Magic Statment, and the first Bablocos Sects were created during this period. All is fading.
The Second Coming of the Prophet Joker The era of the first monitoring, it was myfxbook, unfortunately quickly disappeared, giving rise to speculations and the most ridiculous suspicions. The emergence of the metaphysical concepts of the "Hairy Fist" and the famous etching of the Prophet himself, which as we know shows a bundle of portfolios with a volatility or growth division and some mysterious filter principles, that work surprisingly well in trends and ungodly bad in the flat, and it was said: ".. and new ones will come and kick the wrong ones" - which should surely be understood as a principle of the trend leveller operation in the course of consistent application of the model with height sampling-filtering. All is fading
The third coming of the Prophet Joker This epoch was marked by a full-fledged signal with good results, but then something did not go well and part of the profit was lost, at that it should be noted that the Joker himself did not lose, but even earned, and subscribers unfortunately not all luck, as our informants claim the system was designed in such a way as to work both in a trend and in the flat and was able to roll over and roll over itself, although the stops were not always optimal, it surely showed the same function and Superposition as a regression model that consistently applied the All is fading.
The Fourth Coming of the Prophet Joker This epoch is the strangest, because the Prophet Joker started talking about very strange things and these were sequences of numbers in a special way organized, it was stated that "... in the beginning was a word and the word was Split" - the regulars of the Sect are still guessing what that could be, though the confidants assure that it is a cunning way of distributing the bets, in other words, a probability portfolio, the Prophet showed amazing results with the Bitcoin machine, but then he suddenly disappeared and never appeared again... Some information has, however, survived amongst initiates from various sects, but to be safe it's best not to even mention it. All is fading.
The second coming of the prophet Nicola The theme of three-legged spread and pyramiding was reborn, critical nihilists and free-thinkers have immediately noticed that it may be interpreted through the cross-rates and the amount of positions, but no one checked till the end, though it is even clear that pyramiding for example always works fine if done in time, before the no-slip movement and trading for returns also always works if you do not start taking volumes too early against the movement, anyway, this theme has no difficulties. All is futile
Troubled times The fading of interest in the search for grails, disillusionment and withdrawal to factories, construction sites, mines, prolonged stagnation. All is vanity.
New Testament period During this period the secret sects continue to operate, where doctrine has become syncretic with a variety of specific mathematical and magical cults, moreover, new prophets have appeared, including those present here on the forum, while a prophet is anyone who credibly claims a grail and shows a monitor or transaction in some way.

It may seem as if the chronicler is mocking the prophets and sectarians, but that is certainly not true, that is although it is true of course, but it is not malicious, but with a pure soul and wishing the fullest grace, for thanks to the glorious history of bablokos many metaphysical phenomena and unique existential experiences were discovered, unfortunately, the short format of the chronicle does not allow to write the glorious names of followers who discovered many amazing things...

This is being written only as a further statement of virtue and a good Friday afternoon, with the greatest respect to the followers, the confidants of dablokos and all the sectarians.

I hope I don't get banned as a spammer ))))

Aleksandr Volotko:

Too late, don't get your hopes up. Already did.

Well done, my sincere congratulations, it'll go that way and soon you won't have to go to the factory...

Aleksandr Volotko:

Too late, don't get your hopes up. It's done.

At least show me a picture.


A brief history of Bablokos from an unknown chronicler:

Shikardos! 😂


Great, my sincere congratulations, that's the way things will go and soon you won't have to go to the factory...

If it goes like that, I'll buy a factory soon 😆


At least show me a picture.

A screenshot!

Later, or you won't be able to make it look like a bobblehead.

P.S.: Yeah dobobobra, get the screenshots.

So that's about it.

Aleksandr Volotko:


Later, or you won't be able to pass it all off as bobbery.

P.S.: Yeah dobobro, get screenshots.

like this in general.

Thank you, superchick, well now we'll get it!

Especially I want to note positively that the rise is asymmetric with the drawdown with the set volumes it's just fabulous

When you give out the grail for free, it is a real holiday today