Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 292

What does monitoring have to do with handing out cash, I don't see the connection. O_o no one's getting any dough from your monitoring.
If you want to prove something, do monitoring.

And this, the typical rhetoric of all underdogs and their lackeys. Each of them, always, has a thousand reasons not to monitor the account. All these "gurus" are as afraid of monitoring as the devil is afraid of holy water!

And answering your question,he does not owe me anything! Except that I, too, owe him absolutely nothing! In particular, to believe in some two-week shitstorms...


))))) not doughnuts are coming back, they didn't really go anywhere, doughnuts passions are coming back! )))) as old as this world, passion for money )))

P.S.: it's a paradox: it's like everyone understands that no one owes no one anything and is under no obligation to anyone, but in spite of that, the Joker still owes something for some reason... chetaya laugh)))


And this, the typical rhetoric of all underdogs and their lackeys. ....

And Shepilov who joined them!
Benzovoz, according to your equity it turns out that trading on breakout is more efficient than trading on return?

I think that trading on the return is more effective than trading on the breakout, but it requires a clear market. In this case the efficiency will be the best of all trading methods. This is why I am slowly studying this subject and ideally I want to combine trading on reversal, on breakout and further pyramiding. I have known successful rising in breakdown trading with pyramiding by Williams, i.e. there are real examples stimulating my efforts :)

i.e. there are real examples that stimulate my efforts :) ZZY. i should add in my screenshot there are pyramiding elements because the "profitable leg" is pyramiding with equal volume and limited number of orders.

In short! Now everyone understands that Necolla/Joker is a forum liar. Now either he monitors the account or everyone will consider him a forum liar.
There's nothing to see there. As I remember from one signal, he didn't lose money, but he didn't make any money either (but he didn't trade much either, for about a month). The equity was around zero. I did not know how to do this, but I could not make any profit.
You see. your Joker posted signals, and it was dangling around zero. there was no 100x increase.
Why wasn't it in this thread to write that "I'm starting to publish signals" if he is so confident in his abilities.
Joker is a master of tinkering with history.

Simple question. Has anyone seen the state itself?) It's very interesting.

The man has doubled seven times in two weeks, which is not bad. The probability is only 1/128.

It is fair to say that there was a lot of market activity at the time.

Yep. You've made a lot of noise...

What a pity that this result has caused a stream of schizophrenia in some people: I and Nekola are totally different people and we have totally different systems. (2 Rand0m, GerbertX and other troll-masters of verbiage: professionalism is not the result of hard work, research, mathematics, physics, statistics, programming and other technologies and sciences. Honestly: I don't give a shit what or who thinks of me after what I've shown you and tried to teach you.

I am not selling anything to anybody and I am not going to sell or prove anything. The purpose was for sport interests to break Nekola's record which was increased 100 times in 25 days, I increased 150 times in 14 days ( in 2 weeks ). I reached the goal.




You are asking them for the impossible.