FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 630


If the constructions have clear formal rules, you can automate any graphical markup ))))

Thank you very much. I'll have to get busy with programming.

I'm not a magician, I'm just learning )))
If I was, I wouldn't be hanging around here...

Very ))))

line up buyers are orange (sun - up), sellers are blue (water - bottom). and it turns out all the buyers are killed boo, stops, and sellers are alive in drawdown! where will it go?

Good day to all! Where are the eyes today ))) top 2380 down 2300 - like a dick in a glass )))
If I was a wizard, I wouldn't be hanging around here.

It's just fun.)

line up buyers are orange (sun - up), sellers are blue (water - bottom). and it turns out all buyers are killed boo, stops, and sellers are alive in drawdown! where will it go?

Where will it go? )))
think down from 2374

somewhere in there...

sold some more, but I think it's all a scam, it'll go up...
hello all, theoretically they should be down, well it's a forya)
I sold some more, but I think it's all a scam, it'll go up...
If there are no big scammers on the market, then down, otherwise up, because down is expensive and unprofitable...