FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 623


Molecular ))))

with Higgs particles )))

Even Merkel probably does not believe as much in the future of the eu as you do ))))

who the hell is merkel? a hunchbacked, plastered-over bollocks ))))

Molecular ))))

Do you want to beat Lefty? Draw your charts on a flea's horseshoe? ))))

I... it's a test order, 0.01 lot, I'll see what happens )))) although Tuntrick has strictly forbidden to touch this pair ))))

It's too late to buy, the dollar has already turned down and already drew a channel. You should have taken the bet sooner.


Who hasn't bought the euro yet? I'll swat you like a bug! )))


Do you want to beat Lefty? Draw your charts on a flea's horseshoe? ))))

I'm afraid of the authority of Tantrik )))

Already too late with the bai na, dol\ena already turned around and drew a channel for herself. You should have taken the beating sooner.

Yep, I see, I wrote - a test one, five quid on it or I'll go out with a 300 I don't know where ))))
Usd\cad has struck a small lot, so let it be, let's see.

I shudder at the authority of Tantrik ))))

Me too, he's been stomping his foot since Ishim, he's wagging his finger, charts make my blood run cold, he's very tough )))

300 pips, for fuck's sake.