FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 509


On TA down.

Thank you. Can you elaborate on the TA down there?
Today at 4 am Moscow time there was a bounce on the quid index at 80.50, which was instantly wiped out - this is just the 27th euro-figures area - so wait for the 31st of August - I think before that date the euro will be pushed to the updated low, or the second option 27th - then 18-16th and 1.6 after the elections (Obama is probably the last of the Mohicans)))))

On the subject, if you want to go fuck yourself, you can go without permission.
Strangerr, but how to answer the illogical question, "Specifically where? I know it's the other way round.)) But if it's the other way round, it's naturally downwards. OK, sorry, I'm a little wound up today )))
Strangerr, but how to answer the illogical question, "Where exactly? I know it's the other way round)))" But if it's the other way round, it's naturally downwards. Ok, sorry, I'm a bit wound up today )))

Just my opinion: I think so, because ...)

Thank you. Can you elaborate on the TA?

Diversion at the edge of the channel


Devers at the edge of the channel

So the deevers are just downwards.

So the deevers are down.

Well, I said that the TA is down, so the EUR is up. Unless, of course, the divert breaks)

Well, I said that the TA is down, respectively the EUR is up. If the diver does not break of course)

Didn't get it right away, I'm stuck))))

So the diverts are just downwards.
If you look at the main standard indicators, it makes more sense for the USD/Franc to go down. And the volumes are talking about it too. But in forex there is more action against logic than according to it)))

Just my opinion: I think so, because...)
Kitsan will answer this question more professionally... Maybe I just didn't get the point of your question, usd/chf is almost a mirror of eur/usd, of course, except for the moments when the Swiss central bank intervenes to lower the franc against the dollar. Switzerland, the leading coffee supplier, but coffee is not growing in Switzerland ))