FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 492



The main ones, except for the Buckeye, Poundchief, Eurofound, almost all Yen, again except for the Buckeye.


You could say that.

Iwas brought up to take responsibility for my words, i.e. to argue them. Expressing an empty opinion without arguing it is nothing more than a jibber-jabber that does not carry any constructive message. So if you speak out, argue, which I suggested you do. You don't want to? Don't. Keep your opinion to yourself.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm simply citing a postulate that was expressed in the thread on that link: "They are trying to keep the price from falling uncontrollably, which may be happening at the moment."

And I compared it to the fact that at the end of June there were reports of operators going long. The price then went down by 6 ffs - this is also a fact.

I remember here in the branch after that there was an opinion - that the operators by their positions only support the ecosystem.

I don't give a shit how you were raised ... and we're not on the boom)))... no need for more constructive talk)))) I told you - bullshit))) or do you really think people who have been trading for years and doing research will tell you everything in 10 minutes?))) or rather everyone who wants to know everything every week, or more often))) naive ... I took all six of these figures...I even hinted at the cheesy-low efficiency of the method... You'll figure it out on your own... it's easy... you just need to spend an hour or two, or a day if you pervy and try to squeeze it out... but it's not fashionable now))) Now you go to forums and quietly demand an answer...)


I don't give a shit how you were raised ... and we're not on the boom)))... no need for more constructive talk)))) I told you - bullshit))) or do you really think people who have been trading for years and doing research will tell you everything in 10 minutes?))) or rather everyone who wants to know everything every week, or more often))) naive ... I took all six of these figures...I even hinted at the cheesy-low efficiency of the method... You'll figure it out on your own... it's easy... you just need to spend an hour or two, or a day if you pervy and try to squeeze it out... but it's not fashionable now))) Now you go to forums and quietly demand an answer ...)

And if you don't get an answer, you kick it))))
Give me a prognosis))))

I don't give a shit how you were raised ... and we're not on the boom)))... no need for more constructiveness )))) I told you - bullshit )) ) or do you really think people have been trading for years and doing research will tell you everything in 10 minutes?))) or rather everyone who wants to know everything every week, or more often))) naive ... all six figures I took ....I even hinted at the cheesy-low efficiency of the method... You'll figure it out on your own... it's easy... you just need to spend an hour or two, or a day if you pervy and try to squeeze it out... but it's not fashionable now))) Now you go to forums and quietly demand an answer...)

Well like you - so to you. Your answer is also bullshit :)
well as you are, so are you. Your answer is also a blizzard :))

I'm laughing )))) well, if the call for research is a blizzard, then gud ))))

hilarious )))) well, if the call for research is blah, then good ))))...
well if the call to take responsibility for one's words is blah, then good )))...
if the call to take responsibility for one's words is a blizzard, then fine ))))...

if you and Stranger weren't arguing and ruining the aura of the thread I'd tell you and show you...
Hello, everyone!

If you and Strange hadn't been arguing and ruining the aura of the thread I'd have told you and shown you...
Strange will answer for himself, draw a poker)))

If you and Stranger hadn't fought and ruined the aura of the thread I'd have told you and shown you...
Stranger would have been less bashing on his chest and there would have been nothing to argue about :)