FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 486

as Mamai passed, it's all empty now ))))
Tell me if it's worth putting in ilan 1.6 or is it bad?
Tell me if it's worth putting in ilan 1.6 or is it bad?
Put it on australia/yen - it should be able to withstand a slump of 74 - 89.
Bet on australia/yen - to withstand a drawdown of 74 - 89.

Will it be worse on euro dol?

Will it be worse on euro dol?

won't be a drain at all.

I didn't see the 1.6 - now the 1.8 ; 1.9 models are out!


there won't be a flush at all.

I didn't see the 1.6 - now the 1.8 ; 1.9 models are out!

Thanks for the tip, I will try it! Why does it say euro dol or grb dol on the download page?

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try! Why does it say download Euro dol or GBr dol?

You should bet on all currencies at once. Don't listen to anyone who is jealous of you and wants to steal your secret!

Bet on all currencies all at once. don't listen to anyone they are jealous of you and want to steal your secret!!! the main thing is to bet on everything!!!

OK, I bet on everything, tomorrow I'm buying a fucking limousine))))))))) what the fuck is he talking about, is it hard to answer?

It's a lot like trolling.

I have a feeling I've been fucked... Doesn't look like 1.22 tomorrow morning( If 1.225 is good