FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 423

I see that our Stranger wants to provoke and neutralize by the most primitive means, moreover, this guy obviously hangs out here under a different nickname, the only way to get rid of him is to ignore him, all I suggest doing))
Don't. I have nothing to do with him.
not nice and childish...apologise...and clean up your posts...
bokh_iv is not our guy...
It's a bit scandalous here - I'm going to take a break ))).
Don't. I have nothing to do with him.
i wasn't thinking of you))

Don't pussy out, motherfucker, I'm OK with money... and you can't see the shores, asshole. You're brave behind the screen, but in real life you pussy out when you see people like me and you hide your eyes...

I know the kind of pussy you are, you're a pussy and a demon!

That makes me very happy. Do you want to meet without the monitor? It's a bit boring.
The piper is no friend to the positioner ))))

See, you even got screwed on that. It's a free forum.


Thank you!

Every person is a potential loser. I'll prove it to the doubters in real life... Ready?
This is getting interesting.) I'm gonna get some popcorn.
Gentlemen, don't twist each other's balls! Everyone earns his own money here, and healthy communication is conducive to productive financial creativity. So, don't touch the troll, he'll eat himself... along with his shit:)