FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 422

Who shouted 1.21 yesterday, and where?
Well I said 1.22 by Wednesday Thursday
The breakdown will be up - the thin blue one will go ))))
well, the pipers can be tricked by 3 to 5 pips. (Upside move limit 2410)
Well, they may be able to scam the pipers with 3 to 5 pips.(Upside move limit 2410)
I have 2415 trending, plus a buying slab.

you don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you to fuck off! Faggot

Another pussy who fucked up the dough, how many more are coming?))) I got your dough, so take it easy.

I've got your dough, so take it easy.) I got your dough, so take it easy.
Mine too, I guess! Send it by postal order!
Who shouted 1.21 yesterday, and where?

1.22 and pennies Me...))
I see that our Stranger wants to provoke and neutralize by the most primitive means, moreover, this guy obviously hangs out here under a different nickname, the only way to get rid of him is to ignore him, and I suggest everyone do it))

Another one of those pussies who fucked up the dough, how many more are there going to be?))) I got your dough, so take it easy.
Don't feed the troll, see the signature he put on his post.
The piper is no friend to the positioner ))))

The pound may move now - the statistics will come out