FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 343

The Brit is growing suspiciously, what is this ...?

About that in general - but the comment, as they say )))) Anyway, the thing is, as the moderator quoted, "a smart face is not a sign of intelligence," so everyone walks around looking smart... but in reality...

I saw Miler around his parish after his appointment, he was a democratic fellow, in a tracksuit, mildly interested in everything, he is now an important man on TV.
The British are rising suspiciously, what's that ...?

to fall )
The British are rising suspiciously, what's that ...?
To the fact that it has started to rise, not the dollar to fall.
2270 )))
2215 ))
Judging by the informers, people are in doubt about where to go...)))) whether to go to the bulls or the bears)))
2270 )))

on the flat will count every pip ))))
sell already... we'll be leaving soon)))

On the flat, every pip will be counted ))))

That's how they push through quietly ))))