FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 338

Is the pound useful, or is it just so showy?
Yea, it was a good night to go with the profit((. If it goes down, I will block with increasing, and then we will see.

We'll go to 1.219-1.2195 or so.

from there we will watch


If not a trawl, then at least a stop will have some results.

He who does not trawl and does not stop, feeds more elks ))))) I bought a New Zealander for the campaign
I was reading about the 5-3 waves of elion or something, it didn't really work for me{\, you know}.
Now the sentinel begins the next wave of intensity - i.e. creeping down at an increasing rate...
Beach, I read about the 5-3 Elion waves or something, they didn't really work for me-\
5 waves up and 3 down - that's it, the rest are trend channels. I have a philosophy in the first place - a triangle is drawn and everyone writes there is a struggle between bears and bulls, but in reality the player (bank) can be one and one draws triangles )))).
Now the hourly starts the next wave of intensity - i.e. crawling down at an increasing rate...
that's good))))) sold out with guts))))
I read about the 5-3 waves of elion or something, it didn't really work for me{\, you know}.

it's very simple.)

Is the pound going up or is this just for show?
The pound is making room for's down on the n4
These waves are pretty arcane... I read it myself, I don't get it! I don't know, it doesn't help to trade on the waves. I don't know, maybe someone's good at it.