FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 2


Target 2490.

Brother Ishim, you are ill-mannered)))

You're speeding up... Subtract a hundred.))
You're speeding up... Subtract a hundred.))
two.... who's bigger?)))

Target 2490.

Brother Ishim, you are ill-mannered)))

Or maybe you are Mixon777 (you were not under your nickname at the time), too similar posts! You're like, "Everybody's gonna get moose in here and I'm the man". You bought an aeroplane?
on the news fell and returned to the downside, the market chewed it up....

The news is an excuse only

such volumes on M10 are not just moose, buying is present here too

Or maybe you are Mixon777 (you weren't under your nickname at the time), your posts are very similar! "Everybody's getting moose in here and I'm the man." You bought an aeroplane?

I've been telling you for a week to stay out of sales, but alas...
You're speeding up... Subtract a hundred.))

I'll deduct it on Friday. From each of them)))
And I've got everything covered and on the fence. I'm sick of this stalling. They can make a mess on the news.

I've been telling you for a week to stay out of sales, but alas... 02/07/2012 - that's already happened.


So, not going to happen?



So, not going to happen?

I'll deduct a hundred from you, too.)

And I'll deduct a hundred from you)))
so you don't have to trade...