FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 618

I only consume milk and other normal foods! I don't respect all those... retarded states... I can't even find the words.

you can't do anything with forex if you don't like dumb states ))))

You have never seen autumn here, it's so beautiful, the ground is all yellow and red with red berries, in short all colours of the rainbow, I will show you pics when I come))) And there are lots of mushrooms, cowberries, blueberries, and so on.

The mountains are beautiful in any season, but I like winter better))

Here you go, you can see right away.... Comrade is resting culturally, so what? Just like that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap ?
there's a reason... in a couple of months they're going to ban booze-\\\\\\\*but it's worth it))))

The mountains here are beautiful in any season, but I prefer winter ))

Have you been to Butakivka? It's a real bomb, reserve places, argali come out to the tops of counters (foothills), pine trees in five reaches and the air is not like that in the city ((
there's a reason... in a couple of months they're going to ban booze-\\\\\\\\*but it's worth it))))

I wonder who... and where (country)...
life and responsibility..... krasnoyarsk baby will be....

Hi, no bedtime story. I would like a good night's sleep)))