FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 265


I think it will flounder in a channel from 2320 to 2470 till some news that will move the pair further



As a newcomer you are very well versed. At least in the field of finding information. So you won't be lost=)

Finding information is not difficult. Analysts don't eat their bread for nothing.

I think it will be in a channel from 2320 to 2470 till some news that will move the pair further

Till the end of August when Uncle Draghi says something sensible.

Until the end of August Uncle Draghi says something sensible

tomorrow is the eurozone's monthly report and that's the reason

Okay, everybody, it's time to go to bed.


Until the end of August until Uncle Draghi says something sensible
That's a bit far, three weeks in such a narrow range... If we don't go down, 1.27 is realistic.

Tomorrow is the Eurozone's monthly report, so that's an excuse

At least there will be some movement, otherwise one could die in a flat.
That's a bit of a stretch - three weeks in such a narrow range... If we don't go down, 1.27 is realistic.
As it became known today, the international inspectors of the Troika of creditors of Greece will present their assessment of the country's bailout programme at the October meeting of the eurozone finance ministers and the country will not receive a tranche of €31bn, or $38bn, before that date.
That's a bit of a stretch - three weeks in such a narrow range... If we don't go down, 1.27 is realistic.
That's if we don't go down.

Greece's credit rating ready to be lowered further

Experts from the international agency Standard & Poor's on 7 August lowered the outlook for the Greek economy from "stable" to "negative". In 50% of cases the revision of credit rating expectations leads to a change in the indicator itself. S&P currently assigns a CCC rating to the state of the Greek economy. This rating level is referred to as "junk" - the name derives from the fact that the debt of CCC-rated countries is regarded as a bad commodity on the market.