Got a business idea, a trading room, what do you think? - page 3


Ну а теперь самое главное . Сколько Вы готовы платить за весь этот антураж ?

Depends on where the starter lives.

In Russia, I think 500-1000 would be enough, not a specialist.

And he hasn't made any money yet... What clubs, halls, cafés?

Professional brokers make such halls for beginners: training + dealing centre with consultants. About five years ago, BCS usually had no room in such a room. People go for consultations and a personal forum instead of the internet. They leave such a room either after they lose their money or after they acquire their skills in about three years.

I agree, brokers make halls. For example I wouldn't sit there because they have one goal - "Open an account as fast as you can and sink us in the pocket", this sense of shackles is sure to visit traders. I, on the other hand, want to imbue the hall with freedom, communication, mutual enrichment and development.


I would like to add: the passage to the booths and vice versa to the exit, not through the common hall. If a trader wants to go out, he'll go out in public.

Are you a regular at swingers' parties? By the description of your vagaries - it looks like it! :-)

So it's purely a club for the guys in the know! Without a signboard - everything is clear as it is... :-)

The dough will have to be thrown away in this case, it's better, IMHO, computer games hall (including night time) + Internet-cafe (through a partition) + near a bar - common for all!


I agree, brokers make halls. For example, I wouldn't sit there, because it's imbued with one goal - "open an account quickly and drain us into your pocket", that sense of shackles is bound to visit traders. I, on the other hand, want to imbue the hall with freedom, communication, mutual enrichment and development.
Did you watch the video on my link?

I agree, brokers make halls. For example, I wouldn't sit there, because it's imbued with one goal - "open an account quickly and drain us into your pocket", that sense of shackles is bound to visit traders. I, on the other hand, want to imbue the hall with freedom, communication, mutual enrichment and development.
An internet cafe of sorts. But the source of income is not clear to me, and the costs are plentiful and obvious.
The most important thing is to sell (the service, the product). To whom? Where are the buyers? Who are the buyers? What do they want?
So, what about the premises?

1. Such halls are interesting for brokers or DCs in order to attract clients. You will not earn much from traders for a hall. Maybe only on related goods/services such as drinks and catering and it is unlikely to pay off.

2. A semi-casino with betting on rate changes such as binary options could be profitable. But even if you formally bring this activity in line with the law (opening an account, agreements, licences, etc.), you will still need a roof to keep it from being blown like an underground casino. But this is closer to a bookmaker's office, albeit with a trader's bias. Can be combined with sports betting

1. Yes, and sooner or later the clients will feel what they are attracted to. I don't dream of making a lot of money, I just like it. Do you think there are not 5-20 people who would trade their family shorts for office attire? Yes, there is a sports bar nearby and traders can also get discounts at the gym and the billiard room. A workplace in the neighbourhood with relaxation and sporting activities, I think, is more attractive than a home environment.

2. Thank you, I will think about it.


You haven't made any money yet... what clubs, halls, cafes?

The sex, too - you haven't made up your mind?

Depends on where the starter lives.

In Russia, I think 500-1000 would be enough, not a specialist.

And he hasn't made any money yet... What clubs, halls, cafés?

Well, now we turn to the topikaster, take the ceiling declared 1000 rubles I understand a month? And multiply by the number of jobs. You such an income from which to subtract the fixed costs will suit you? Do the math.

Well, now we turn to the topikaster, take the declared ceiling of 1000 rubles, I understand a month? And multiply by the number of jobs. You such an income from which to subtract the fixed costs will suit you? Do the math.

??? That's per day. Including dinner and so forth.