FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 449


(Fucking ku-ey)).

It makes me happy to see the occasional dumb-asses come out and yell "will" or "will not" without any explanation or justification, they just blurt it out - dumb-ass schoolboys)))

Everyone has the right to say something, that's why it's a flood forum ...

(Fucking ku-ey)).

It makes me happy to see the occasional dumb-asses come out and yell "will" or "will not" without any explanation or justification, they just blurt it out - dumb-ass schoolboys)))

i am like that, i have nothing to be ashamed of. i am a stupid analyst, the eu is going up with the greenback )))) i can feel it in my bones ))))
the bulls are punished, Gina is like a shish kebab)))) Or have you moved on from the roast already?
Why are you being punished? ))) You're a bull from what level? )))

No, why, do I have to lay out the whole picture here?

No need, we're joking, weekend's ahead, a lot of people are profitable, it's all good ))))

(Fucking ku-ey)).

It makes me happy to see the occasional dumb-asses come out and yell "will" or "will not" without any explanation or justification, they just blurt it out - dumb-ass schoolboys)))

thank you very much, glad you are aware that I do not need your permission to behave in this or that way
Dropped a bit

Don't swear, just imagine... mountains, pine forest, squirrels taking biscuits from their hands... One even had breakfast with us, I called her Tanka )))) no telephones no TVs no computers, in the morning we ran naked in the dew with a friend, mindless walks in the mountains for who knows how many kilometres and no one got tired... evenings bonfire, baked potatoes... I lived in paradise for three weeks... ehhhhh

See you all on monday )))) bye.

Bai euRs ALL closed in the total plus. Sitting OUT of the Eurobuck, will be catching on the Eurobuck overlap.
well, since the ritual of guessing "will there be a gap and in which direction" is postponed until tomorrow, then ...
Ladies and gentlemen, SAVE boldly, there will be no 2220!
Don't be offended my friend, we'll write that down))) THERE WILL BE NO 2220.