FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 415


Don't corrupt the man, let him trade with his hands, improve his nervous system and get his brain working for a couple of minutes a day)))

Got a story for today?

algorithmic trading is for real... only really adequate robot is problematic... no fairy tales... but i'm leaning towards a slight dip...

Let's not forget about the drinking, gentlemen. I don't know about that. I'm closing up a lot by now. I'm going for a walk on the trails now.

Good luck, everyone. I'll be back in September. ))))

paca paca, friday has proven to be a profitable day, well one in four at least ))))

Now waiting to see where it hits????


there won't be any surprises tonight...

join in, gentlemen: http: //


algorithmic trading is forerunner... only really adequate robot is problematic... no fairy tales... but I'm leaning towards a bit of a drop...

If you do not know how to do this, you may be right, but I don't know how to do it correctly ))) What do you think, you can do it well... One can do it right now...)

Merkel's gang on trial

There are simply no words...

Dragonfly and ant.

German version.

An ant works hard all summer during a terrible heatwave. He builds a house, he hoards food for the winter.
The dragonfly says the ant is a fool, she laughs, dances and sings all summer.
Winter comes. The ant is warm and full.
The dragonfly, shivering with cold, with no shelter or food, dies of cold.

French version.

The ant works hard all summer during the terrible heat. He builds a house, he hoards food for the winter.
The dragonfly says the ant is a fool, she laughs, dances and sings all summer.
Winter comes. The ant is warm and full.
Shivering with cold, the dragonfly organises a press conference and asks why the ant is entitled to shelter and food, while others, less fortunate, freeze and starve.
Television urgently arranges a live broadcast from the scene, showing the dragonfly shaking in the cold and inserting footage of the ant, in the warmth and with a table full of food.

The French are shocked: How is it allowed in a rich country to leave a poor dragonfly, while some are bathed in luxury!
Anti-poverty associations stage demonstrations in front of the ant's house. Journalists interview everyone: Why the ant got rich at the expense of the poor dragonfly and demand that the government raise the ant's taxes so that it pays "fairly".
Trade unions, the Communist Party, the League of Revolutionary Communists, the Greens, the New Left, the New Right, the Just Centre, the Right to Housing organise sit-ins and demonstrations in front of Ant's house.
Civil servants are staging an indefinite solidarity strike of 59 minutes a day. A fashionable philosopher writes a book in which he proves the ant's connection with the executioners of Auschwitz.
Under pressure from public opinion, the government passes a retroactive amendment to the Equality Act and the Anti-Discrimination Act.
The ant's taxes go up and he gets fined for not employing a dragonfly.
Ant's house is requisitioned by the authorities because he does not have enough money to pay the fine and taxes.
The ant leaves France and emigrates to Switzerland, where he contributes to economic development.
Television broadcasts a report about a dragonfly who has become rich. It finishes off the last of the ant's supplies, even though spring is still far away. A bunch of left-wing artists and writers constantly crowd into the ant's house. Singer Renaud composes the song "Ant, get lost!". The ant's house, which has become a social house for the dragonfly, is gradually deteriorating because she does nothing to maintain it.
The government is being blamed for the lack of funds . An inspection commission has been set up, which costs 10 million euros.
Dragonfly is dying of overdose . The left-wing newspapers Liberacien and Humanite comment on the government's failure and keenly raise the issue of social inequality.
Ant's house is illegally inhabited by a gang of immigrant cockroaches. The cockroaches organise drug traffic and terrorise the surrounding neighbourhoods.

The government congratulates itself on France's multicultural diversity.


(Somebody's got a robot here too and he tried to sell it to everybody, it was scary to look at his pics )))) Well, I will grow up a bit.)
by the way i would like to see him on the forum - i'm interested in the principle behind his owl

Artikul here also ran with the robot and sold it to everyone , it was scary to look at his picture )))) well, I'll grow a little. if so ))

Not peddling it but graciously sharing his ideas ... as requested by the workers ))))
again ilan 1.6 speaker)))
any ilan is crap, the owls I gave you are not the ones I sell, but they have a good point, you should try them out
by the way i would like to see him on the forum - i am interested in the principle behind his owl

write him in a personal message he does not come without an invitation, he is very important ))))

the new zealander is trying to go north again