learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 311


If it's a vegetable, then "This vegetable was trolling him." The rest is up to you as a magician.

Well aubergine is kind of masculine)))

Well aubergine seems to be masculine ))))

Well then why would you spell veg with a soft sign, which is used to spell feminine nouns ending in pinching consonants (w, ch, sh, s).

Examples: shiver, night, mouse, help is feminine, but husband, kulich, rush, borscht and vegetable is masculine! My "compiler scolds!" ;)


Ah, in that sense, the typo was automatically corrected by my internal proofreader and I didn't notice it (:

a person can correct a test even if it's severely damaged and you've just flushed it correctly)))


Ah, in that sense, the typo was automatically corrected by my internal proofreader and I didn't notice it (:

a person can correct a test even if it's severely damaged and you've just flushed it correctly)))

drinking is drinking ? :-)))

Well then, why write vegetable with a soft sign, which is used to spell feminine nouns ending in pinching consonants (g, ch, sh, s).

Examples: shiver, night, mouse, help is feminine, but husband, kulich, rush, borscht and vegetable is masculine! My "compiler scolds!" ;)

I thought about it and decided to keep the soft sign for you.
What about teaching how to earn selawi, ugh, selawi? :-)
What about teaching how to earn selawi, ugh, selawi? :-)

You can't make a lot of money nowadays. It's a rotten market.

You can't make a lot of money these days. It's a rotten market.

It's a tough market. :-)


with the help of this informer i handmade it in a week

trailer has a html page with informers - if you make money - don't forget my kindness ...

Great idea!

it all works!

Ready to send a share - I see I'm banned so text me tradeger mails


Great idea!

everything works!

ready to send a share - i see that i got banned so text me tradeger mail

Even if he is banned, you can still write him in person... :-))) write him yourself...
