Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 2

there are certain aspects - that you get in moments of conscious out-of-body experience... that I wouldn't share... and neither would Graal CU... but I can offer hints - but not for everyone - and not everything...

I find this questionable, is it like magicians in fairy tales, everyone has his own super-strike techniques))))?

what's the big deal? not everyone can get there at all anyway, even if you tell them how......



- everything else is by Rainbow's methods;


This technique allegedly by Rainbow, which he passes off as his great invention, is described in Sri Aurobindo or the Journey of Consciousness, chapter "Sleep and Death".
I watched his video on youtube and he seemed like a decent man, most importantly, far from different religions. I have not read this book, I will download and read it.

PPS: Here, if anyone needs it.
I watched his videos on youtube and he seemed like a decent man, most importantly, far from different religions. I haven't read the book, but I will download and read it.

Yes? Especially the instructional videos where the girls tan their legs? That's a hell of a makeover tutorial.))))))) And Baguini Lera's presence at his seminars? Loose thread.

Dmitriy, don't be bullshit, there are a lot of normal schools with normal teachers in Moscow. For a start, visit a couple of holotropic breathing trainings from the Transpersonal Institute, an initiation into death at the Thanatotherapy Institute, a course in NLP practices.

Yes? Especially the tutorial videos where the girls get their legs tucked in? The Abalidian tutorial of a make-up artist))))))) And Bagini Lera's presence at his seminars?
I'd love to see.
I'd like to see it.

On YouTube.
I'd like to see it.

Or to see Baginia Lera?
Integer: This methodology allegedly Rainbow, which he passes off as his great invention, is described in the book "Sri Aurobindo or the Journey of Consciousness", chapter "Sleep and Death".

And in general it's all Aurobindo's fault :-) with his attempts to build a supramental body - he brought to the nearest information layer of our planet that facet of information to which not only the initiated hierarchs of esoteric knowledge - but ordinary people could join, creating and promoting their vision of the received knowledge.... , creating numerous sects, currents and teachings ...

...far from different religions...
At the same time confusingly creating his own religion, inventing his own terminology on something that has long been known and has its own definitions, some ainges, phases...

in general, it is Aurobindo who is to blame for this :-) trying to build a supramental body, he brought to the nearest information layer of our planet that part of information which could be used not only by the initiated esoteric knowledge hierarchs but also by common people creating and spreading their vision of acquired knowledge....creating numerous sects, trends and teachings...

I've never read any auribindas, but the experience was spontaneous. at first unstable outbursts in between sleep, sometimes at first just OS sometimes the outburst itself was . unintentional....))

So it depends on desire, everyone feels it and experiences it, but many turn a blind eye, put it down to a bad dream and a game of imagination... whoever's interested digs further.

i do not understand why they should hide it.... in some large banks in the country some managers force their subordinates to study, to read certain books, so that there is no stagnation...... scientology is not in the last place in the list of these books.