Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 31


I read about first and second attention.

It's strange, I don't remember feeling that way. And there is nothing written about zero attention...

I've come to the conclusion that Life is always on your right, at arm's length.

Her hand rests on your shoulder. The moment she takes her hand away, you're screwed.


Heard on TV that some "Momento mori" was the most life-affirming expression.

I looked it up in the English-Russian dictionary. I couldn't find it.

Must be an old dictionary.

Shifted the assemblage point.

Caught a lot of glitches, even had a waking dream, and still haven't shifted the assemblage point.

I'll have to loosen it.

My friend has advised me to start by learning Japanese, to rewatch not only backwards but also upside down and to do more of nothing.

I'm already thinking - what do I need that assemblage point for?


Learned that Eagle feeds on awareness.


If the Eagle had anything to do with it, everyone would have been travelling and having all sorts of adventures a long time ago.

It turns out Eagle doesn't give a damn. If there's awareness, good. No awareness is not bad either.


Wondering how to spell emmanation, emanation or emannation.

In the dictionary I found only ostrich Emma.

After much deliberation, I decided that the correct spelling was emmanation.


I pondered what the path with a heart is.

I came to the conclusion that a path without a heart would not suit me.

A fellow pathologist told me that as long as I'm alive, I won't be in danger.


I read Simoron. Very unserious book.

It's all hijinks and hijinks.

I, a grown-up businessman, have to call myself some kind of "Pink elephant tossing leaves with a trowel". That's not very nice...

What are the wild rituals?

Standing with your back to the tub, talking nonsense and throwing bits of noodles over your left shoulder into the water. At least no one saw.

Drove into town.

Transport went crazy. No sooner do I get to the bus stop than the one I'm looking for shows up. It's like a conspiracy.

Controllers completely ignored me, as if I didn't exist at all. It's a shame.

The day went like clockwork. Got everything done, got everything done. Not a hitch or a miss. Not bad, but kind of boring.


Went to a seminar. A stalker course.

Inexpensive, only $40 per person.

Fifty people came.

The master told me that all humans are herds, grazing in the corral of society.

And the way of the warrior is the way of the loner.

I don't remember the rest, but the gist is that he has now gathered everyone who wants to walk the warrior's path, and will lead us all down the shortest path together.

Judging by the look on his face, he knew the way.

Afterwards he read a little bit of Castaneda to us. He told us to come back tomorrow at the same time and not to be late.


The foreman wasn't in today.

The headmistress was running down the hall and swearing that the son of a bitch hadn't paid the promised rent.

Is that any way to talk about people? Maybe the man's in trouble.

She's mean.

And she didn't divide people right.

Not into warriors and hunters, but into some suckers and scammers.