FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 360

:)))) killed it, I can just picture it forte with a sieve on his head

it's not funny, it really helps ))))

and I got a moose on the bay... I'm waiting for a signal.


What's with all the footballing tricks?

I couldn't find a strainer, I'm trying a colander and I'll let you know how it works.


Only a strainer, and preferably with a wooden rim, the pain will be relieved faster )))



but a strainer, preferably with a wooden rim, so the pain is relieved faster)))

If the pain is relieved then everything is fine. If not, repeat the process with a different size of castrula...


only with a strainer, preferably with a wooden rim, the pain is relieved faster ))))

Thanks for the suggestion)))) I'll have to make holes in the cap and put a wooden rim. Pour it on, put it on and no headache...)))


take it easy, it also relieves headaches))))

new buy from 25700 ... I don't want to buy yet


trying ))))

keep buying

I gave you the Ma channels...told you about the daily move...told you a story in the morning...told you about the second peak...and she's buying ))))

it should be like this now ... with a small + would close and go for a walk )))


I gave you the Ma channels...told you about the daily move...told you a story in the morning...told you about the second peak...and she's buying ))))

you should be like this now ... with a small + would close and go for a walk )))

a moose is spoiling the picture, but so far so good, 2 more hours of shopping and then I'll follow the fairy tale )))) or buy all my 28 quid ))))

I will go for a walk tomorrow, it's laundry day )))) I'm going from forum to cleanup ... tired as a dog))))))


French President François Hollande called for immediate relief for the troubled eurozone countries, deciding to postpone support for a German-promoted deal to limit budget deficits. Italy and Spain, which need EU money badly, delivered an ultimatum, saying they would not agree to a $120 billion bailout package unless Germany allowed steps to soothe their debt markets. As a result, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had to "bless" easing the rules on emergency loans to Spanish banks and a possible bailout for Italy.

Thus, it was decided that the loans that the European bailout fund will provide to the country's credit institutions will not have a preferential status compared to the money of private bondholders. Experts note that this should help reduce the yield on Spanish debt. European Union President Herman Van Rompuy called the agreement a "breakthrough".According to a published statement, European leaders intend to "break the vicious circle between banks and sovereign debt" and "soon", "by the end of 2012" to submit proposals on joint oversight of the banking sector.


I'm going to go shopping for 2 more hours and then I'll go to )))) or I'll buy with all my 28 quid ))))

i'm going out tomorrow. it's laundry day )))) i'm rushing from forum to forum ... tired as a dog))))))

the boss is the boss.... but don't look at the fairy tale now ... its all about the pullback after the peak ... the goals are approximate ... don't listen to anyone else )))

next watch...

13:00 Harmonised Consumer Price Index (preliminary data)
17:20 Italy 10-year bond auction
17:55 University of Michigan Sentiment Index (preliminary value)

time msc...+ digesting samite )))
"Late in the night it was also announced the quite expected decision to bail out the banks directly, a proposal that was also supported by Germany and in which the rest of the weaker countries were interested. On this news the American stock exchanges surged upwards, the euro/dollar pair instantly returned to $1.25/euro and went higher, oil quotations regained half of yesterday's losses," Evgeniya Kanakhina, chief analyst at Pallada Asset Management, commented on the impact of the summit results on stock and currency markets.

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