FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 279

Despite the recentincrease in the risks of a break-up of the eurozone, the probability of such a development seems overestimated by the market, according to Citigroup. "We see three main catalysts for a possible break-up: 1) a Greek exit, 2) a domino effect in the region's peripheral countries and 3) the initiation of a break-up by any of the core countries, most likely Germany in the event of problems in its bond market," writes Mark Schofield, head of rates strategy at the bank in New York. - "A Greek exit seems to us the most likely of the options presented, but it may not mean a collapse of the entire Eurozone, as the ECB is likely to intervene aggressively even before the latter two options become possible." Source: - Forex News





Contract at 1318.25.


contract 1644

dollar index


Five kopecks of the day off.

Having found myself on the fence, after losing part of my hard-earned capital, I was sadly contemplating the timeframes and came to this conclusion:

There is more noise on H4 than on M5 some days. Therefore it makes no sense to build channels, zones, etc. The market doesn't react to various macro-, mini and nano-news, or it doesn't react adequately. Most likely, the fall on Friday was caused by disappointed bears who began to close, to reduce positions.

The euro news does not inspire to go north. Hence, the development: a gap to the south, the gain of the gap,

and a breakout to 1.28.

What a good thing on the fence...


"If you want to be clever, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, answer calmly and stop talking when you have nothing more to say" (Tolstoy L.N.).

And "If you want to lose a friend, lend him a certain amount of money".

The easiest way to make people around you hate you: 1. Start telling the truth. 2. More often. 3. Everyone.


Good afternoon. Can you advise a newcomer what is the abbreviation "WDS" in wave analysis?


The penultimate candlestick on H4 is a bullish absorption. Everywhere you look is a buying signal. All the more fun if we go south :)))

want a gap down. Then at the open, you can safely buy

Good afternoon. Can you tell a newcomer what is the abbreviation "WDS" in wave analysis?

ZDS is a final diagonal structure. It is more commonly referred to as a KDT - final diagonal triangle...

There is more noise on H4 than on other days on M5. Therefore, it does not make sense to build channels, zones, etc. The market does not react to any macro-, mini, nano news, or it reacts inadequately. Most likely Friday's drop was caused by disappointed ...

Tantric made a sloping line and put a $ 2 order... Stranger made a horizontal line and put $ 1 order
On the day Tantric won and believed in the power of sloping levels... The second day it was different and Stranger was in the + position...
But then they started thinking... how to cheat each other and started betting just under their levels and dividing the bets into several parts...
But Stranger began to write down moves... and not only his but Tantric's thinking that in the future it will help him... and indeed sometimes it did... but they both forgot to write down each other's conditions - temperature, illness, hangover, and health conditions of their families... thinking it would not affect the final result of the game...
The game began to join the new players ... coming up with increasingly sophisticated methods of cheating ... began to cheat ... was cheeky ... and then was appointed a supervisor that players are not particularly impudent ... It went on for a while ... things were going well ... occasionally both were in good + ...
The players would occasionally go out for a drink after the game... their tongues would start to run out... and they would tell all the players present about their cheating methods...
thinking these methods were the best and laughing at the other participants in the game making smaller bets and using different methods...
Somebody N - did not drink or smoke with them )))...did not talk...but just listened and wrote down everything................... and once he saw - if Stranger was hung over and Tantric's niece got an A in maths
and during the game Tantric listens to "the unknown performer Murat" then he would definitely win against Stranger...and started betting towards Tantric...
This lasted until Stranger quit drinking and Tanrick's niece finished school...
But N was calm and didn't immediately rush into the game...after all he had plenty of records...he just kept listening...recording and watching...
Everybody lived happily ever after...

Tantric drew a sloping line and placed a $2 trade...Stranger drew a horizontal line and placed a $1 trade...
That day Tantric won and believed in the power of inclined levels....The second day everything changed and Stranger was in the +...
But then they started thinking... how to cheat each other and started betting just under their levels and dividing the bets into several parts...
But Stranger began to write down moves... and not only his but Tantric's thinking that in the future it will help him... and indeed sometimes it did... but they both forgot to write down each other's conditions - temperature, illness, hangover and health conditions of their families... thinking that this will not affect the final result of the game...
The game began to join the new players ... coming up with increasingly sophisticated methods of cheating ... began to cheat ... was cheeky ... a supervisor was appointed, so players are not particularly impudent ... It went on for a while ... things were going well ... occasionally both were in good ...
The players would occasionally go out for a drink after the game... their tongues would start to run out... and they would tell all the players present about their cheating methods...
thinking these methods were the best and laughing at the other participants in the game making smaller bets and using different methods...
Somebody N - didn't drink or smoke with them )))...didn't talk...just listened and recorded everything................... and one day he saw - if Stranger is hung over and Tantric's niece got an A in maths at school
and during the game Tantric listens to "the unknown performer Murat" then he's bound to beat Stranger... so he started betting against Tantric...
This lasted until Stranger quit drinking and Tanrick's niece finished school...
But N was calm and didn't immediately rush into the game...after all he had plenty of records...he just kept listening...recording and watching...
Everyone lived happily ever after...
cute ska )))) 5 с +